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Title: EL 31251 Numery Annual Technical Report 23 November 2016 to 22 November 2017
Title Holder / Company: Gempart
Report id: CR2017-0578
Tenure: EL31251
Year: 2018
Author: Mackie, AW
Abstract: EL 31251 covers the eastern end of the ILLOGWA IOCG belt first recognised by NTGS in 2010 and comprehensively worked by MTH until 2014 discovering numerous cropping out copper prospects often associated with zones of regional hematite-magnetite-fluorite-silicic quartz vein - hosted alteration trending east south east over a strike length of 50 km within a belt over 5 km wide. Main copper prospects from north west to south east are Bigglesworth-Dixie-Powers-Austin-Nigel-EL Gordo-Mini Me West-Mini Me-Goldmember most of which were drill tested by MTH for mainly disappointing results? The south-eastern copper prospect cluster namely Nigel-EL Gordo-Ivana-Mini Me West-Mini Me-Goldmember are all located within EL 31251 cropping out over a 6 km x 4 km area and coincidently a regional scale Cu. In soil geochemical foot print ranging from 24ppm to 773ppm which to date, even though it was tested by 27 RC (2277m), 40 Aircore and MMDDH001(294m) remains unresolved? Comprehensive geophysical surveying data sets exist over the project area namely ILLOGWA 100m line space AMAG and Radiometrics and ILLOGWA 300m (MMW closed up to 150m) line space VTEM, in addition 24 line km of IP over Austin and Mini Me West prospects.The conumdrum is why 9 RC drill holes collared in 2013 failed to intersect any copper mineralisation testing a 10 x background chargeability anomaly over Mini Me West prospect where several large high to very high Cu in soil anomalies exist? There would appear to be a disconnect between regional Cu in soil geochemical anomalism and several types of coincident geophysically anomalous features consequently expenditure is set at $40000.00 for the forth coming licence year to resolve above conumdrum ie where to drill next?
Date Added: 8-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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