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Title: East Tennant IOCG Greenfield Diamond Drilling on EL 32297 Final Report - Geophysics and Drilling Collaboration Program Round 15 (2022)
Title Holder / Company: Barkly Operations
Report id: CR2023-0261
Tenure: EL32297
Year: 2023
Abstract: The object of the program was to discover an Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) style orebody by testing aeromagnetic, gravity, IP and surface expressions of copper mineralisation at the Crosswinds Project. A staged drill program of a total 14 drill holes (approximately 10,000m) and possibly up to 28 holes was planned to test different parts of the interpreted IOCG target. An initial four RC/DD holes were drilled as part of the program. Drilling was completed from the 26th June to the 30th July 2022. Two holes were drilled with help from the NT Geophysics and Drilling Collaboration Program (GDCP). Core from the two co-funded holes CWDD001 (808.62m) and CWDD004 (811.00m) was submitted to Alice Springs core storage facility. The additional planned drill holes were postponed due to a combination of drilling delays and a need to evaluate the results from the initial holes as no material mineralisation was recorded, and as intersected lithologies may account for the magnetic and gravity anomalies targeted. Hematite rich alteration consistent with the ICOG target concept was however intersected in the basement rocks.
NOTEAdditional data available on request
Date Added: 10-Dec-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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