H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 19-Jun-23 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 17-Dec-22 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL32297 H0101 Tenement_holder Barkly Operations Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Barkly H0106 Tenement_operator Barkly Operations Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5315 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6058 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 18-Dec-21 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 17-Dec-22 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 207 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 20-Jun-23 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file BAR_NTSL4_COLL2022.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file BAR_NTDL4_GEO2022.txt H0303 Assay_data_file BAR_NTDG4_ASS2022.txt H0304 Survey_data_file BAR_NTDS4_SURV2022.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file H0308 File verification List BAR_Verification_List_2022.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file H0318 DHQAQC_data_file H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file BAR_NTDL4_SPEC2022.txt BAR_NTDL4_GEOT2022.txt H0400 Drill_code H0401 Drill_contractor H0402 Description H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company H0536 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0537 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From PROJECT Depth To LITH1 LITH2 GRAINSIZE COLOUR_SHADE COLOUR1 COLOUR2 VEIN1_CODE VEIN1_PCT ALT1_CODE COMMENTS H1001 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D CWDD001 0 BARKLY 6.5 Clay f-c cream White "calcite,qtz,clay,bandstone, moldic, brecciated becoming more clay rich with depth, crumbly" D CWDD001 6.5 BARKLY 14.2 Clay m-c Haem latent seporlite D CWDD001 14.2 BARKLY 21.17 Clay masive with layers of cfumbly clay D CWDD001 21.17 BARKLY 21.8 CLAYSTONE Siltstone vf-f orange Cream "calcaroua claystone,clayey ls, interbedded *check against log*" D CWDD001 21.8 BARKLY 24.7 Siltstone vf-f cream Red "laminated slt, clay alt in traces becoming vf ss with depth" D CWDD001 24.7 BARKLY 30.4 Sandstone vf orange Cream "calcarenite ss, clay in joints" D CWDD001 30.4 BARKLY 37.8 Sandstone m-c orange Cream cale ss w/ styotic and cale concretions D CWDD001 37.8 BARKLY 41.8 Limestone f-m orange Cream clay l/s with dolomite? D CWDD001 41.8 BARKLY 45 Limestone orange Cream *refer to hand writen source D CWDD001 45 BARKLY 90 Limestone f-m cream Grey "massive ip w/ crust layers, soft sed defm, styoltic fract zone and massive us, dolomited layered ip" D CWDD001 90 BARKLY 100 Limestone Siltstone vf-m Brown Grey state wedded l/s and laminated cst/slt sale filled fracs of calc/qtz regrowths D CWDD001 100 BARKLY 119.8 Siltstone Shale vf Brown Grey below 100mtrace laminated sil/sct with calc joints and calc cocretions (117.8m) D CWDD001 119.8 BARKLY 125 Limestone vf-f grey White "modic l/s w/styotic, calc overgrowth" D CWDD001 125 BARKLY 129.7 Siltstone vf-f D Brown Grey "interbedded s/t,sh,slt,moldic l/s w/ qtz & calc overgrowths, something shale and sct with depth" D CWDD001 129.7 BARKLY 141.1 Sandstone Siltstone D Brown Grey laminated sh/slt interbedded. Thinly bedded D CWDD001 141.1 BARKLY 153.8 Limestone grey Cream "moldic l/s corser qtz/calc, common pebble sized veinsbecome banded with silty layers (164.4-149)" D CWDD001 153.8 BARKLY 158 Limestone grey Cream D CWDD001 158 BARKLY 165.3 Limestone Sandstone vf-f Cream Orange Haem l/s becomes more silicaous w/ depth to calceus of SS? Has porosity-margin & grain sizes. Calc in fracs and joints . Calcpebble concerntrations ip. Feo in styolitic joints D CWDD001 165.3 BARKLY 190 Limestone vf Green Brown "as for 125-127m w/ laminated sh/sch,calc/qtz in subvert faces" D CWDD001 190 BARKLY 192.8 Limestone Claystone vf Green Orange chl "ls grading to clst, clumbled fractured in 191-192.8m, clay in facies. Possibily chloritised" D CWDD001 192.8 BARKLY 193.9 clay vf D Brown Haem "heavily alt, interval to clay , amorphous " D CWDD001 193.9 BARKLY 204.46 Limestone f Brown Green "dirty l/s, laminated ip, styolites w/ black feO mineral ppt ref deffern pyrites (micas?)" D CWDD001 204.46 BARKLY 205.27 Limestone f Brown White Haem/chl "haem alt l/s content lesser extent,calcite in breciated facies" D CWDD001 205.27 BARKLY 207 Basalt f Brown White Haem/chl "alt hem/chlorised basalt, resicular " D CWDD001 207 BARKLY 229.7 Basalt Green White chl hem and calcite alt D CWDD001 229.7 BARKLY 230.4 Basalt f Green Red chl "basalt becomes more hem alt towards base, chlorentised near base" D CWDD001 230.4 BARKLY 234.77 Sandstone f-c Brown Pink Haem/chl "fractured hem ss, chlorinised ip, replaced with fe, fracs qtz/calc filled" D CWDD001 234.77 BARKLY 256.6 Sandstone m-c Purple Cream "fracs decrease, spotty ip depending on fe, grainsize calc/conglom ip (250.07,251,251.8,252,252.2) l/s coarserintervals. Coarse hem stained interval 235.33-255.67m" D CWDD001 256.6 BARKLY 260.25 Sandstone f-c cream Purple chl "sillicified ss, coarse, slightly green tinge, chloritic ss,clay grains, hem alt, in joints with feo mins in fracs" D CWDD001 260.25 BARKLY 260.3 Sandstone Clay Green Red chl gr tinge micaeous? Clay. D CWDD001 260.3 BARKLY 260.4 clay f Red Haem red hem. Flaky alt clay w/ yellow chlor layers D CWDD001 260.4 BARKLY 261.13 clay f chl as for 260.3-261.04 D CWDD001 261.13 BARKLY 266.06 Sandstone f-c Cream Purple chl as for 257.6-260.2 D CWDD001 266.06 BARKLY 274.59 Sandstone f-c cream Red Haem "banded ss w/ hem layers, conglomerate ip, sub ang btz, chlor/volcanic,fine-pebble grains. Siltstone red layers common w/ this micaeous layers " D CWDD001 274.59 BARKLY 275.8 Sandstone c Red Grey chl/haem "highly alt cong fract ss, hematite veins, w/feldsand micas, clast pebles from meta seds below,musc common" D CWDD001 275.8 BARKLY 278.5 Schist f Green Grey Haem mica schist w/pervarius hem alt. folded w/ orientated bedding D CWDD001 278.5 BARKLY 281.3 Schist f Orange Red Haem "orange where fractured, red grn clays in fracs, chlor free, &biotite muscovite intervals,novisible sulphides" D CWDD001 281.3 BARKLY 284 Sandstone m-c Red green Haem/chl mm folded ss heavily altered hematite rims D CWDD001 284 BARKLY 336.5 Meta Sediment Red green Haem/chl "alternaing granitic and schistost meta sediment at base,hem alt chlorisation. Qtz,hem,k-felds within schistos @297-298,298.3,299,299.7,311.5,312.05-312.5,321-321.3" D CWDD001 336.5 BARKLY 341.45 Meta Sediment Mica Schist f-m Red green Haem/chl "chloe and hem meta seds, mosaic of alt, with common micas in choric areas and qtz/fe staines. Coarse graned qtz /kfeld veins w/muscovite in x-cut vens or brecciatd areas (329.8-330,336.15-336.75,331.2-331.7,339-340.63,340.7)" D CWDD001 341.45 BARKLY 345.6 Meta Sediment f red Red Haem fine grained prem hematite alt zone D CWDD001 345.6 BARKLY 346.3 Meta Sediment f-m grey Cream chl "equally altered w/ localised banding related to vein alt, some joints hem and clay whilst some chlor" D CWDD001 346.3 BARKLY 365.4 Meta Sediment Mica Schist f-m Green Red Haem/chl D CWDD001 365.4 BARKLY 370.3 Meta Sediment Mica Schist f-c red Green Haem/chl veined interval of qtz k-felds calcite+chlor in fracs D CWDD001 370.3 BARKLY 415.29 Meta Sediment Mica Schist f-m Grey Red Haem/chl "local areas of hem fault, qtz/feldspars/micas veining.vein attention notably at 378m,388.15,394.15,-404.55" D CWDD001 415.29 BARKLY 415.45 Meta Sediment Mica Schist f-m cream Grey chl "chloric,mafic metavolc and meta schist" D CWDD001 415.45 BARKLY 424.3 Meta Sediment Mica Schist f-m Red Grey Haem/chl hem enrichment D CWDD001 424.3 BARKLY 425.3 Meta Sediment Mica Schist f-m Red Cream D CWDD001 425.3 BARKLY 427.3 Meta Sediment f-m Cream Red qtz k-felds veins 424-429.2 D CWDD001 427.3 BARKLY 436.4 Quartz Vein f-m Brown Red QTZ 100 Haem/chl hem alt intervals micro fracs allowing hem concern. Felds and qtz with red rims D CWDD001 436.4 BARKLY 439.3 Meta Volcanic m Green Grey Haem/chl "chlorite, coarser micas, vvfg pyrite" D CWDD001 439.3 BARKLY 442.5 Schist f-m grey Green Haem/chl "chlorite mica schist, grain size veins/layers of qtz/k-felds (hem alt red) ~15m, in part 441-441.3" D CWDD001 442.5 BARKLY 454.5 Meta Sediment f-m grey Green Haem/chl layered meta seds D CWDD001 454.5 BARKLY 461.7 Mica Schist Meta Sediment Green Red D CWDD001 461.7 BARKLY 462.2 Quartz Vein f-c White Grey QTZ 100 "qtz/felds, vein" D CWDD001 462.2 BARKLY 471.45 Meta Sediment Meta Volcanic f-m grey Red chl "within qtz veins calcite vein joints, coarser qts kfelds/musc veins at 465.24-465.9,467.15,471.15,471.35" D CWDD001 471.45 BARKLY 472.2 Meta Sediment Meta Volcanic f-m grey Red chl/haem "qtz/kfeld replacements 472.5,472.8,473.35,475.7,475.9" D CWDD001 472.2 BARKLY 478.89 Meta Sediment f-m cream Grey chl chlorite mica schist D CWDD001 478.89 BARKLY 479.5 Meta Sediment f-m Red pink Haem qtz/felsic interval D CWDD001 479.5 BARKLY 480.55 Meta Sediment f-m Cream Red chl/haem as for 471.25-477.12 D CWDD001 480.55 BARKLY 486.32 Meta Sediment White Grey Haem qtz/feld veins D CWDD001 486.32 BARKLY 491.5 Meta Sediment Red Cream 4 hem alt locations D CWDD001 491.5 BARKLY 499.1 Mica Schist m-c Green Red Haem D CWDD001 499.1 BARKLY 511 Granite red Grey *refer to sheet for depths of qtz kfelds as there are several!! D CWDD001 511 BARKLY 518.5 Granite Red Black colour vein intervals514.7-514.96 D CWDD001 518.5 BARKLY 519.55 Granite m-c Brown Pink "pink granite vein,kfeld,qtz,mica predominantly " D CWDD001 519.55 BARKLY 521.25 Granite m-c Black White less hem alt to blk granite D CWDD001 521.25 BARKLY 532.4 Granite m-c Red Black Haem D CWDD001 532.4 BARKLY 536 Granite m-c Red Black Haem "return to more red pink spotty granite,w/ hem altfrom tracs and course qtz/kfeld/musc veins (527.25-527.5&528-528.25)" D CWDD001 536 BARKLY 540.5 Granite m-c Red Brown Haem "black spotty granite, red halo intervals around x-cut fracs which are qtz, kfeld rich" D CWDD001 540.5 BARKLY 548.86 Granite m-c Red Brown Haem D CWDD001 548.86 BARKLY 549.6 Granite D CWDD001 549.6 BARKLY 549.8 Granite D CWDD001 549.8 BARKLY 555 Granite m-c Red Brown Haem "red granite, kfeld w/ veins" D CWDD001 555 BARKLY 557 Quartz Vein m-c Red Black QTZ/Feld 100 Haem pegmatite qtz/kfeld vein D CWDD001 557 BARKLY 600.75 Quartz Vein m-c Red Black QTZ/Feld 100 Haem "granite w/ localised red hem rich alt, chlor alt in fracs @566.3-566.7" D CWDD001 600.75 BARKLY 602.3 Quartz Vein c-vc pink Grey QTZ/Feld 100 Haem thick vein for 555-557m kfeld rich chlorite/micas in some fracs D CWDD001 602.3 BARKLY 604.5 Granite m-c Purple Grey D CWDD001 604.5 BARKLY 613.82 Quartz Vein c-vc Pink Red QTZ/Feld 100 Haem D CWDD001 613.82 BARKLY 614.6 Granite m-c Red Haem D CWDD001 614.6 BARKLY 623.3 Granite m-c Red Black thick qtz/kfeld hem al zones @617.7-618.45 D CWDD001 623.3 BARKLY 644.5 Granite f-c Red Brown Haem D CWDD001 644.5 BARKLY 657 Granite m-c Red Brown Haem D CWDD001 657 BARKLY 659.1 Granite f-c D Grey Red Haem/chl red alt gramite w/ dk green chlorite D CWDD001 659.1 BARKLY 666.1 Granite m Red Haem D CWDD001 666.1 BARKLY 670.8 Granite c-vc Brown Grey Haem D CWDD001 670.8 BARKLY 675.5 Granite c-vc Brown Grey Haem/chl D CWDD001 675.5 BARKLY 681.2 Granite f-c Purple Red Haem D CWDD001 681.2 BARKLY 691 Granite f-c Brown Green Haem/chl "major fracs and joints coarse qtz/kfeld @684.5-685.4,687.55-687.5,689.65" D CWDD001 691 BARKLY 692.9 Quartz Vein f-c Red Black QTZ/Feld 100 D CWDD001 692.9 BARKLY 697.6 Granite f-c Red Pink Haem "blk fracturing @693.93,694,695-695.77-695.9 could be fe0" D CWDD001 697.6 BARKLY 703.7 Granite m-c Pink Red Haem qtz/felds veins D CWDD001 703.7 BARKLY 705.3 Granite vc White D CWDD001 705.3 BARKLY 706.1 Granite c Black White D CWDD001 706.1 BARKLY 709.55 Granite c Pink Grey course vein 703.7-705.3 D CWDD001 709.55 BARKLY 728.2 Granite m-c Red Black Haem/chl "course qtz/kfeld veins 717-717.15,717.6-717.85,719.74-728" D CWDD001 728.2 BARKLY 732.2 Granite m-c Red Black D CWDD001 732.2 BARKLY 736 Granite f-m Red Black Haem D CWDD001 736 BARKLY 746.9 Granite m-c Black Red Haem "qtz,kfeldmica alt interval 740.85-742" D CWDD001 746.9 BARKLY 750.52 Quartz Vein m-vc Pink Red QTZ/Feld 100 D CWDD001 750.52 BARKLY 757.25 Granite m-vc Black Red "qtz,kfeld,mica vein near base 756.5-757.25" D CWDD001 757.25 BARKLY 764.75 Granite "course veins @759,763.5,764" D CWDD001 764.75 BARKLY 779 Granite "750.57-757.25 qtz vein @769.4,772.84-773.25,777.1-777.4,777.6,778.15" D CWDD001 779 BARKLY 784.1 Granite D CWDD001 784.1 BARKLY 808.62 Granite m-c Black Red Haem/chl "hem alt more pervasive below 808m asso. w/coarse qtz veins, micas in x-cutting fracs and large grain peripherites " D CWDD004 0 BARKLY 120 Not logged Not logged as RC chips D CWDD004 120 BARKLY 133.1 Limestone Claystone vf Grey "Layered limestone with clayey intervals, calc in frac" D CWDD004 133.1 BARKLY 142 Limestone f-c Cream limestone with moldic texture re crys amygdals with styolite feo D CWDD004 142 BARKLY 144 Limestone Siltstone f Grey Cream limestone/siltstone/claystone layers with occ ? Qtz in frac D CWDD004 144 BARKLY 156.29 Limestone f Grey Brown Thinly bedded limestone/shale laminated ip D CWDD004 156.29 BARKLY 173.29 Limestone f-m Cream moldic limestone large cavities with secondary crystals D CWDD004 173.29 BARKLY 196.3 Limestone Claystone f-m Cream becomes interbedded with depth calcite in frac D CWDD004 196.3 BARKLY 206.5 Limestone Claystone f-m Cream Grey "limestone brecciated ip, layers, soft sediment deformation with claystone" D CWDD004 206.5 BARKLY 208.2 Limestone Claystone f Cream Grey "limestone and claystone, frac with feo in frac, chlorie claystone crumbly" D CWDD004 208.2 BARKLY 209.5 CLAYSTONE f Red Brown Oxidised claystone D CWDD004 209.5 BARKLY 210.95 Limestone f Grey Layered thin beds limestone 212.25-212.42 as for 208.2-209.5. Also 214.1-214.2 orange sandstone D CWDD004 210.95 BARKLY 219.68 Limestone Sandstone f-c Grey Brown limestone with sandstone interlayereds. Feo and qtz in joints and styolites D CWDD004 219.68 BARKLY 223 Shale Siltstone f Grey Cream shale/siltstone interbedded. Silicified with FeO in frac D CWDD004 223 BARKLY 224 Basalt Sandstone Haem oxidised haem sandstone/basalt D CWDD004 224 BARKLY 224.86 Basalt f Green Brown Haem/chl "with green vesicles/zeolites, calcite clasts" D CWDD004 224.86 BARKLY 227.7 Basalt Green Haem/chl "Speckled green basalt. Alt to clay spots, crumbly ip calc in vuggs" D CWDD004 227.7 BARKLY 236.25 Basalt f Green chl "Basalt, parry calcte @ 229.5m. Chlorite in fracs/later stage" D CWDD004 236.25 BARKLY 236.4 Vein c-f White Green Calcite 100 chl Calcte vein wth chlorite in frac D CWDD004 236.4 BARKLY 249.4 Basalt f-m Grey Green Grey basalt with haem and chlo vesicles 247.8-248.2. coarser grained wiith feld lathes D CWDD004 249.4 BARKLY 256.35 Basalt f Grey Basalt chlorite and calc in frac D CWDD004 256.35 BARKLY 256.75 Basalt f-c Grey chl/Haem "wit some coarser intervals - green phenocrysts, feld laths" D CWDD004 256.75 BARKLY 263.28 Basalt f Grey Basalt chlorite and calc in frac D CWDD004 263.28 BARKLY 269 Basalt f Grey Haem with red alt bands D CWDD004 269 BARKLY 287.5 Basalt calc/chlorite in fracs/ joints veneer to 3mm coating D CWDD004 287.5 BARKLY 293.5 Basalt f Green Grey chl "chlorite alt, partic fracs grey tinge overall" D CWDD004 293.5 BARKLY 295.5 Sandstone Fault m-c Red Brown Haem/chl "Change to haem immature sandstone with chlorite clasts, k-feld/qtz veins. Yelow clays, qtz/calc/chlor vening comon, brecciated ip. Fault breccia over this interval" D CWDD004 295.5 BARKLY 296.42 Shale f Red Yellow Haem "Shale/claystone with criss/cross qtz veins ext haem alt, yellow clays spots and layers" D CWDD004 296.42 BARKLY 297.65 Shale f Red Yellow Haem Haem shale fissile with qtz and chlorite veins D CWDD004 297.65 BARKLY 300.18 Shale f Red Green Haem "Haem shale , chlorite veins and calc/qtz veins fissile" D CWDD004 300.18 BARKLY 308 Shale f Yellow Red Haem Haematite shale-yellow pink red wth cream clayey/chloritic intervals D CWDD004 308 BARKLY 310.63 Shale Sandstone f Pink Red Haem "Becoming fiine sandstone purple with thin qtz fracs, chlorite in frac" D CWDD004 310.63 BARKLY 311.84 Sandstone f-m Cream chl "Chloritic fracs, coarse lenses" D CWDD004 311.84 BARKLY 322.97 Sandstone f-m Purple Cream haem Haem sained sandstone with chlorite in frac becming completl chloritic D CWDD004 322.97 BARKLY 323.56 Sandstone Limestone f-c Green Yellow Interlayered sandstone/limestone and chlortic shale. Soft sed deformation D CWDD004 323.56 BARKLY 332.67 Sandstone f-m Purple Brown haem As above with repeat alternating sequences D CWDD004 332.67 BARKLY 341.3 Sandstone Siltstone f Purple Cream Haem "As above with silicified intervals 333-334, 334.6-334.9. Bedding plane fracs occ chloritic" D CWDD004 341.3 BARKLY 345.2 Sandstone f Green White chl Chlor sandstone with chlorite shale intervals and clasts becoming coarser with depth. From 344.2 loses porosity is silicified to 345.2 D CWDD004 345.2 BARKLY 369.22 Sandstone Siltstone f-m Cream Brown Haem/chl Alternating silt/sandstone. Varying chloritisation and silicification D CWDD004 369.22 BARKLY 369.5 Siltstone f Grey Haem/chl "Broken, fractured siltstone, calc veins" D CWDD004 369.5 BARKLY 382.56 Sandstone Siltstone f White Brown Haem As for 345.2-369.22. Tinly bedded. Varying chlor silic D CWDD004 382.56 BARKLY 383.5 Sandstone vf Orange Brown Haem very fine sandstone with haem l;ayers D CWDD004 383.5 BARKLY 384.2 Sandstone Siltstone vf Green Grey chl Thinly bedded chloritic D CWDD004 384.2 BARKLY 401.8 Sandstone Siltstone vf-c Green Brown Haem/chl "Thin to medium beds, altern chlorite and haem vf-c sandstone and chloric shale brecciated in part" D CWDD004 401.8 BARKLY 423.6 Shale Siltstone vf-f Green Brown Haem/chl As above finer grained no sasndstone with common think carbonaceous?/Feo laminations and thin beds D CWDD004 423.6 BARKLY 445.8 Shale Sandstone vf-m Green Brown Haem/chl AS above with interbeds of vf sandstone D CWDD004 445.8 BARKLY 459.8 Shale Sandstone vf-m Green Brown Haem/chl sandstone of varying grain size wth haem intervals. Ood porosit ip with some silicified intervals. Thin yellow chlorite layers vf grained. Increasing chloritic with depth D CWDD004 459.8 BARKLY 501 Sandstone f Green Brown Haem/chl Alternating haem/chl alt f-c sandstone occ fissile haem shale layers D CWDD004 501 BARKLY 501.6 Shale f Green Brown Haem/chl Alt shale FZ broken splintered peces D CWDD004 501.6 BARKLY 507 Siltstone Sandstone f-c Green Cream Haem/chl "Alternating sandstone and thin shales, haem and chlorite alt" D CWDD004 507 BARKLY 530.9 Sandstone Siltstone f Red Grey "Sandstone/siltstone haem and chl, cacl cant ip thinly bedded becoems shaley, v fissile 520-526. chlorite intervals " D CWDD004 530.9 BARKLY 553.49 Sandstone Siltstone f Red Grey becoming m.haem alt to med grained p silicified with elongate rip up clasts D CWDD004 553.49 BARKLY 604.2 Sandstone Quartzite f-m Purple Cream Haem "Purple/red haematite stain ip clay min and hlorite, k-felds alighned grains in coarser sectons silicified ip" D CWDD004 604.2 BARKLY 604.27 Conglomerate Pink White Haem/chl "Angular qtz, feld with chlorite and micas interspersed" D CWDD004 604.27 BARKLY 610.1 Granite c Red Grey Haem Fe Alt k-felds giving red/purple speckled appearance. Phaneritic. Common micas (bio/musc) these often chloritised. Haem veinlets D CWDD004 610.1 BARKLY 610.24 Granite c Pink Olive Chl "Alt Granite, chloritised sectiion rich, k-feld, chlorite micas" D CWDD004 610.24 BARKLY 614.2 Granite c D Red Purple haem "Dark red/purple granite. Gen haem alt with local k-feld/chlorite sections @ 610.2, 610.5, 610.9m haem veinlets and micro frac, disseminated fine muscovite micas" D CWDD004 614.2 BARKLY 614.67 Granite c White Pink "Pink granite with v coarse k-felds, muscovite,bio and chloritised micas. Disseminated fine muscovite - sectiion relatively unaltered" D CWDD004 614.67 BARKLY 615.04 Granite c D Red Purple haem "Dark red/purple granite. Gen haem alt with local k-feld/chlorite sections @ 610.2, 610.5, 610.9m haem veinlets and micro frac, disseminated fine muscovite micas" D CWDD004 615.04 BARKLY 615.75 Granite c White Pink "Pink granite with v coarse k-felds, muscovite,bio and chloritised micas. Disseminated fine muscovite - sectiion relatively unaltered" D CWDD004 615.75 BARKLY 622.9 Granite c D Red Purple haem "Dark red/purple granite. Gen haem alt with local k-feld/chlorite sections @ 610.2, 610.5, 610.9m haem veinlets and micro frac, disseminated fine muscovite micas" D CWDD004 622.9 BARKLY 632 Meta Sediment f-c Grey Red Haem/chl "Mica schist. Haem alt to varying degrees, chlortic ip locally brecciated (624.8-625) with quartz infill and qtz veins 625.2m mica schist with 100mm x-cut qtz veins at 630.6, 631m" D CWDD004 632 BARKLY 634.4 Meta Sediment f-m Grey haem/chl "Mica schist becoming finer grained but coarsening at base, biotite, muscovite coarser with finer grained qtz/feld" D CWDD004 634.4 BARKLY 634.5 Quartz Vein c White QTZ 100 x-cut qtz vein D CWDD004 634.5 BARKLY 635.1 Granite c Red haem red granite mainly qtz and haem alt felds minor diss mica D CWDD004 635.1 BARKLY 641 Meta Sediment f-c Grey Red Haem Fiine and coarse grained mica schist alternatng varying degree of haem alt qtz veins at 640.1 and 640.6 D CWDD004 641 BARKLY 643.75 Granite f-c Red White Haem "Red Granite with mica schist intervals. Interspersed with pegmatitic qtz/k-fels intrusions (641, 642.12, 642.23-642.6, 643.07-643.2, 643.7-644.75) with f-c muscovite" D CWDD004 643.75 BARKLY 644.1 Mica Schist f-m Grey Red Haem Mica schist with haem alt via veinlets wit k-felds D CWDD004 644.1 BARKLY 653.8 Granite Pink Red Altered pink/red granite. Coarse haem alt feld and quartz with chloritic micaceous ground mass. Pegmatitic qtz/k-feld intervals (645.7-646.5) most chloritic on frac faces D CWDD004 653.8 BARKLY 660.8 Granite c Red chl/haem "Qtz, haematite, feld and k-feld, bio/musc mica. Pegmatitc interval of same (654.75-656.2) Local more chloritic intervals. 659.5-659.7 and 660.05) more orange. Generally more chloritised on frac faces" D CWDD004 660.8 BARKLY 672.36 Granite c Pink Red chl/Haem "Less pervasive haem alt of k-feld hence granite becomes pinker. Pegmatitic intervals 662-663, 670.65. Two networks of micro grac one with haem alt other mica/chlorite" D CWDD004 672.36 BARKLY 672.7 Granite c White Red Haem qtz/k-feld with haem alt musc micas D CWDD004 672.7 BARKLY 694.7 Granite c Pink Red Haem/chl "Pink/reed granite. Local very coarse qtz/kfe;d musc intervals 674.7, 677.67-678.8, 679.1-679.5, 683.5-683.6, 687, 687.9, 690.4-690.6, 691.2-691.15 694.32-694.54. Chl/calcite vein coating 675.6-675.9 in sub vert frac also ~687 chloritised zone 697-6" D CWDD004 694.7 BARKLY 697.35 Granodiorite c Haem Spotty black granite with haem alt intervals decreasing in k-feld and increasing biotite chloritic alt in some joints D CWDD004 697.35 BARKLY 700.3 Granite c Purple White Haem Relatvely unaltered granite red/purple feld and musc mica D CWDD004 700.3 BARKLY 703 Granodiorite c Haem Spotty black granite with haem alt intervals decreasing in k-feld and increasing biotite chloritic alt in some joints D CWDD004 703 BARKLY 707 Granite c Red Pink Haem "Red/pink granite, chlorite al on frac faces, very coarse grained IP (704.4, 706.6-707)" D CWDD004 707 BARKLY 711 Granite m-c Grey Purple Haem "Relatively unaltered black granite. As pegmattic qtz/k-feld/musc intervals with some haem alt. Shows soe chloritisation of muscovite (708.4-708.9, 709.1-709.55)" D CWDD004 711 BARKLY 711.1 Granite m Yellow Green chl Strongly altered chloritic granite zone D CWDD004 711.1 BARKLY 713.2 Granite c Purple chl Purple/pink granite with pegmatitic qtz/k-feld/musc relatively unaltered D CWDD004 713.2 BARKLY 713.47 Granite m Yellow Green chl Strongly altered chloritic granite zone D CWDD004 713.47 BARKLY 718.5 Granite c Purple Red Haem/chl "Purple/Red granite. Intervals of very coarse qtz/k-feldmusc mica @ 713.6, 714.8, 715.1-715.4. Chloritic alt at joints" D CWDD004 718.5 BARKLY 719.93 Quartz Vein c Pink White QTZ 100 Haem/chl "Pegmatitic haem replacemtn k-feld, coarse muscovite, chloritic alt at joints no vis sulphides" D CWDD004 719.93 BARKLY 734.85 Granite c Purple Pink Haem "As for 713.47-718.5 becoming more haem al with depth. Very coarse qtz/feld/musc zones @ 725.4m 728, 728.7-729.06, 731.3, 731.9, 732.25, 734.1. These zones k-feld rich which ranges in colour from Dark reed/purple to pink altered" D CWDD004 734.85 BARKLY 735.6 Granite c Pink Red Haem "Relatively unaltered pegmatitic qtz, k-feld, muscovite, microfractures with haem stan and muscovite" D CWDD004 735.6 BARKLY 737.1 Granite Purple Red Purple/red granite D CWDD004 737.1 BARKLY 740 Granite c Pink Red Haem "Relatively unaltered pegmatitic qtz, k-feld, muscovite, microfractures with haem stan and muscovite" D CWDD004 740 BARKLY 747.8 Granodiorite m-c Grey Purple Haem Decreasing in haem at and k-feld musc and biotite abundant. Relatively unaltered expect for chlorite/k-feld @ 744.84 pegmatitic intercal at 743.67-745 D CWDD004 747.8 BARKLY 748.7 Pegmatite vc Red Purple Haem "Garnets in top 100mm of interval. Pegmatitic qtz, k-felds, muscovite. D red to pink k-feld with deg of alt. Chloritic min coating in fracs at 748.5 and 748.6-748.72." D CWDD004 748.7 BARKLY 750.17 Granodiorite m-c Grey Purple Haem Decreasing in haem at and k-feld musc and biotite abundant. Relatively unaltered expect for chlorite/k-feld @ 744.84 pegmatitic intercal at 743.67-745 D CWDD004 750.17 BARKLY 751.9 Granite vc Pink Yellow chl Pink granite with chloritic alt via micro frac network D CWDD004 751.9 BARKLY 761.1 Granodiorite m-c Purple Grey Haem Decreasing in haem at and k-feld musc and biotite abundant. Relatively unaltered expect for chlorite/k-feld @ 744.84 pegmatitic intercal at 743.67-745 D CWDD004 761.1 BARKLY 769.5 Granite m-c Pink Red Haem/chl "Increasing k-felds and haem alt. Chloritic al prevalent from fracs. Heavily chlorite alt zones @ 766.2. 5-10mm thick chloritic clay in frac. Common muscovite, very coarse k-feld/qtz 763-768.7, 769.2-769.5." D CWDD004 769.5 BARKLY 775.57 Granite m-c Purple Grey "As for 751.9-761.1, purple granite with occ very coarse qtz/k-feld zones and chlorite in fracs" D CWDD004 775.57 BARKLY 776.63 Pegmatite vc Red Pink Haem "Fractured qtz/k-feld, haemtite with muscovie sl chlorie in fracs" D CWDD004 776.63 BARKLY 777.9 Granite c Orange Green chl/Haem "Pink/orange granite becoming increased alt with chlorite with depth, green/yellow clay minerals in fracs and chlorite halos" D CWDD004 777.9 BARKLY 780.47 Granodiorite m-c Red Black Haem Red Alt stained concentrating from micro fractures. Qtz/biotite/felds with muscovite flecks. Bio/qtz phenocrysts D CWDD004 780.47 BARKLY 782.04 Pegmatite vc Pink Grey Haem Relatively unaltered qtz/k-feld/muscovite interval. Micro frac filled with mica stringers or haem staining D CWDD004 782.04 BARKLY 785.2 Granite c Pink Red Haem "Pink/red granite, paneritic as for 777.9-780.47 interval chloritic yellowing @ 783.5m" D CWDD004 785.2 BARKLY 785.75 Granite D Red Purple Mottled D red purple VC qtz/feld/mica interval. Mica stringers and flecks D CWDD004 785.75 BARKLY 802.35 Granite Purple Red Haem Red/purple granite/granodiorite as prev description 777.9-780.47 D CWDD004 802.35 BARKLY 802.5 Granite f-m Cream Pink chl Strongly chloritised granite interval. Generall chlorite xtals on frac faces with muscovite/sericite D CWDD004 802.5 BARKLY 811 Granite f-c Pink Purple Chl "Pink Granite with chloritein fracs and halos around fracs 15mm chloritic chip/plug flled fracs @ 808.8-809m. Chloritic veinlets concentrated 805.3-805.8, 806.66. Micro fracs also hosting haem alt pahways"