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Title: Annual Technical Report Ending 5 May 2017
Title Holder / Company: Hearl, T
Report id: CR2017-0129
Tenure: EL26930
Year: 2017
Author: Hearl, T
Abstract: Approximately six weeks were spent resuming our sampling program in the 2016-2017 reporting period. Due to harsh conditions the major percentage of this had to be completed on foot. Once again a large area in the mid-East of the lease was covered with some areas being identified as non-productive and others as prospective from which samples were taken. A number of these samples have been identified by our geological support team as warranting essay and I attach a coordinate list and map to show their position. We are still considering initiating a drilling program pending the results of future sample results. We will be submitting a renewal application for EL 26930 for the period of two years as we feel this time period may allow us to complete our sampling program.
Date Added: 23-Nov-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

Files in this Report:
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EL26930_2017_A_01.pdf536.69 kBPDF Add
EL26930_2017_A_02_Sample_Map2016.pdf313.87 kBPDF Add
EL26930_2017_A_03_Sample_Results_2015-2016.xlsx10.24 kBMicrosoft Excel XML Add
EL26930_2017_A_04_SurfaceGeochem.txt3.97 kBText Add

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