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Title: Unconventional Gas Potential in the Ordovician of the Amadeus Basin - The Horn Valley Siltstone fractured shale play
Title Holder / Company: Central Petroleum
Report id: PR2008-A184
Tenure: EP112;  EP82
Year: 2007
Corporate Author: Central Petroleum
Abstract: The Amadeus Basin, is a multiphase rift - foreland basin, with major thrusting occuring in the Late Neoproterozoic and Devonian-Carboniferous. The basin hosts thick sequences of Proterozoic to Carboniferous sediments. The most important petroleum system yet commercially produced from is the Ordovician Horn Valley Siltsone source rock which has charged the Ordovician Paccoota and Stairway Sandstone units; these reservoirs produce oil and gas from both conventional matrix porosity and fractured reservoirs in the Palm Valley and Mereenie oil and gas fields.
Date Added: 17-Jul-2022
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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