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Title: Harts Range Spinifex Bore Project Annual Technical Report for the period 29 November 2014 to 28 November 2015 ML 28614
Title Holder / Company: Australian Abrasive Minerals
Report id: CR2015-0922
Tenure: ML28614
Year: 2015
Author: Baxter, J
Abstract: The Harts Range Spinifex Bore Project on ML 28614 is located along the valley of the Plenty River and cover approximately 512km2 or 136 blocks. ML 28614 is in the centre of a tenement block including EL 24360, EL 24378, EL 30318 and EL 28696. It has a garnet resource estimated to contain 23.1Mt of sand containing 1.2Mt of garnet in the measured category and 44.5Mt of sand containing 2.65Mt garnet in the Inferred category. ML 28614 also contains a bore field which can supply process water at a rate of 1,210 m3/day (14 l/s). The garnet resource and the identified water source are the key factors underlying the future success of the project. Mining is scheduled to begin in 2016. During the 2014-2015 exploration period Australian Abrasive Minerals Pty Ltd (AAM) have: Undertaken further water exploration and analysis of the stratigraphy; and Commenced construction of the separation plant.
Date Added: 4-Aug-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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ML28614_2015_A_02_Groundwater_Exploration_Programme_1_12_15.pdf72.86 kBPDF Add
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