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Title: EL 27974 Final and Annual Technical Report for the period 20 October 2010 to 19 October 2020
Title Holder / Company: Tellus Holdings
Report id: CR2020-0480
Tenure: EL27974
Year: 2020
Author: Smith, D
Abstract: This Final and Annual Technical Report relates to EL 27974, which was relinquished by Tellus Holdings Ltd ('Tellus') upon expiry on 19 October 2020. EL 27974 was one of five exploration licences wholly owned by Tellus which comprised the Chandler Project, located in the Amadeus Basin, approximately 130km south of Alice Springs. The Chandler Project is targeting subsurface salt deposits to assess potential evaporitic mineralisation within the Amadeus Basin. Two known salt units are present in the Chandler project area, namely the Chandler Formation and the deeper Gillen Salt Member. Detailed information regarding work undertaken on EL 27974 since grant are detailed in previous GR225 Amalgamated Group Reports and are summarised in this Final Report. Activities undertaken during the 2019 - 2020 period were limited to desktop studies, regional water studies and approval activities. Negotiations with the new landholder as well as negotiations for an Indigenous Land Use Agreement for the remaining tenements are ongoing. Work during the 2019 - 2020 was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent border closures. The major area of interest in the Chandler Salt project is located further to the east, it was decided that this tenement was not required for the further development of the project. Consequently, the tenement is now relinquished.
Date Added: 21-Apr-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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