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Title: Group Annual Report GR097/09 EL 9979, EL 24607, EL 26185, EL 26451, EL 26542, EL 26584, EL 26585, EL 26586 and EL 28233 Wonarah Phosphate Project for the period ending 8 January 2013
Title Holder / Company: Minemakers Australia
Report id: CR2013-0047
Tenure: EL9979;  EL24607;  EL26185;  EL26451;  EL26452;  EL26584;  EL26585;  EL26586;  EL28233
Year: 2013
Author: Fulton, R
Pellatt, A
Abstract: This Combined Annual Report details work completed on EL 9979, EL 24607, EL 26185, EL 26451, EL 26452, EL 26584, EL 26585, EL 26586 and EL 28233 from 9 January 2012 to 8 January 2013. The tenements are held and operated by Minemakers Australia Pty Ltd and together with ML 27244, form the Wonarah Phosphate Project, with phosphate being the target commodity. In the reporting year, an RC drilling program of 84 holes for 4005 m and 1262 assays (including checks) was conducted over the Northwest, Arruwurra West and Highway North prospects the purpose being to better understand the distribution of phosphate away for the JORC resource areas and to attempt to define the extent of shallow phosphate mineralisation encountered in 2010. An updated mineral resource estimation for the project was completed and a Measured Resource was defined for the first time. The total resource for both Main Zone and Arruwurra now totals 842 Mt at 18.1 percent P2O5 (10 percent P2O5 cut-off) including 78.3 Mt at 20.8 percent P2O5. Hand-held XRF screening carried out on RC samples has not delineated any significant zones of yttrium mineralisation. Significant rehabilitation was also completed during the reporting year.
Date Added: 13-Feb-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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