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Title: Etingimbra Soil-Gas Survey
Title Holder / Company: Territory Petroleum
Report id: PR1990-0042
Tenure: EP1
Year: 1990
Corporate Author: Petrofocus
Abstract: Seventy six soil-gas samples were taken in the McDills Anticline Region. C2-C4 values are generally very low. The elevated values at station 140 are believed to be associated with gas brought to the surface by McDills Artesian waters. Elevated values at stations 136 and 137 are near the top of the McDills Structure. 124 samples were taken in the Etingimbra anticline area. Along line 87NT-16, there is a slightly higher concentration of C1-C4 along a fault bounding the western side of the structure.
Date Added: 27-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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