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Title: The Geology and Oil Prospects of OP63 Northern Territory
Title Holder / Company: Alliance Petroleum
Report id: PR1963-0015
Tenure: OP63
Year: 1963
Corporate Author: Alliance Petroleum
Abstract: Broadly speaking OP63 should have some prospects for the discovery of petroleum. The Georgina Basin appears to be essentially of the intracratonic type and thick Palaeozoic sedimentary developments, comparable with those of the Amadeus Basin are not to be expected.
NOTEReport and maps available on request
Date Added: 19-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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PR19630015_Allia_8_Composite_structural_Colums_Huckitta_Tobermory_Area.pdf3.64 MBPDF Add
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