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Title: MLN 631 to 636, 1108 Annual Exploration Report Ending 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Redbank Operations
Report id: CR2011-1142
Tenure: MLN631;  MLN632;  MLN633;  MLN634;  MLN635;  MLN636;  MLN1108
Year: 2011
Author: Ceplecha, J
Abstract: In the twelve months to the end of December 2011 the company conducted a review of geological and previous drill data. New JORC compliant resource estimates are currently be calculated by independent consultants SRK Consulting Pty Ltd to add to the Cu resource inventory of 6,268000 tonnes at 1.5% Copper / tonne containing 96,500 tonnes of copper, the company currently has identified. The company has completed a mine and subsequent development study and is committed to mining oxide deposits at Redbank when statutory approvals have been obtained.
Date Added: 14-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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