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Title: EL 24017 and EL 27059 Waidaboonar Project Annual report 1 October 2010 to 2 October 2011
Title Holder / Company: Cameco Australia
Report id: CR2011-0774
Tenure: EL24017;  EL27059
Year: 2011
Author: Kuldkepp, R
Perkins, CT
Abstract: Exploration for uncomformity style uranium mineralisation consisted of all-terrain vehicle supported outcrop sampling and reconnaissance work. During five days of work 35 rock samples were collected and 72 points were mapped during the 2010 program. All samples were collected from EL 24017 only, since no out crop for sampling were encountered during one day of mapping work on EL 27059. 12 mapping stations were recorded on EL 27059 and 60 mapping points recorded on EL 24017. Two thin-sections were taken from EL 24017 surface samples for petrologic analyses. On tenement EL 24017, outcrops dominantly consist of quartz-muscovite schist (Nourlangie Schist). Topographic highs show intense quartz veining and quartz breccia was encountered as a surface expression of faulting. No anomalously high radiometric were associated with described structures. Porphyritic Oenpelli dolerite prevails in outcrops on the eastern side of EL 24017. The south-eastern part of tenement contains foliated amphibolite (interpreted as Zamu dolerite) as described in several localites. Due to the late start of fieldwork on tenements no geochemical assay results and petrologic report are available at this time.
NOTESee CR2012-0257 for Rock Chip Assay Results
Date Added: 8-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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