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Title: Annual report for ML 27244 Wonarah Mineral Lease for the period ending 17 February 2011
Title Holder / Company: Minemakers Australia
Report id: CR2011-0229
Tenure: ML27244
Year: 2011
Author: Pellatt, A
Fulton, R
Abstract: ML 27244 forms part of the Wonarah Project, located approximately 240 km east-southeast of Tennant Creek. This reports details work completed during the first year of tenure which comprised crushing and analysis of material which had been mined from the Arruwurra trial pit the previous year. A total of 199 samples were taken from the trail pit and a stockpile and analysed for a multi-element suite by XRF by Amdel Laboratories, Mount Isa.
Date Added: 19-Mar-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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