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Title: Alexandria Station Gypsum Claims Exploration summary report MCC 205 to 208, 983 to 990, 9 October 2006 to 8 October 2009
Title Holder / Company: Northern Cement
Report id: CR2009-1107
Tenure: MCC205;  MCC206;  MCC207;  MCC208;  MCC983;  MCC984;  MCC985;  MCC986;  MCC987;  MCC988;  MCC989;  MCC990
Year: 2009
Author: Joraslafsky, M
Abstract: During the 2009 reporting year there were no quarrying activities within the Mineral Claims listed above. These tenements are held as future Gypsum reserves for use in the manufacture of cement and agricultural products. No material has been extracted from these tenements during this reporting period.
Date Added: 17-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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