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Title: 2014 Glyde Direct Current Induced Polarisation (DCIP) & - Magnetotelluric (MT) Survey - Survey Acquisition & Processing Report
Title Holder / Company: Armour Energy
Report id: PR2015-0018
Tenure: EP171;  EP190
Year: 2014
Corporate Author: Quantec Geoscience
Abstract: Quantec Geoscience Ltd carried out the 2014 Glyde 3D DCIP/MT Survey on behalf of Armour Energy Ltd within EP171 in the McArthur Basin, located approximately 95kms south of Borroloola, NT. The geophysical survey covered an area of about 9 with its focus centered in Gylde Sub-basin, near the recently drilled Glyde ST1. The main purpose of this survey was to assist in the definition of the vertical and lateral extent of the gas accumulation at Glyde, to further de-risk the of future wells.
NOTESupport data (134GB) is available free of charge.
Document Type: DCIP MT Surveys and Analysis
Date Added: 17-Apr-2018
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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