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Title: 1984 Simpson Desert Seismic Survey OP184
Title Holder / Company: Beach Petroleum
North Broken Hill Limited
Report id: PR1985-0081
Tenure: OP184
Year: 1984
Corporate Author: Seiscom Delta United
Abstract: The Simpson Desert 2D Seismic was conducted by Seiscom Delta United Pty Ltd for Beach Petroleum Ltd in OP 184 using the Vibroseis technique. A total of 10 new seismic lines with a total distance of approximately 160km were acquired. The main purpose of this survey was to investigate further the Pedrika Basin which was achieved during this survey.
Document Type: Seismic Acquisition
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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