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Title: Supplejack Project EL 5888, EL 8809, EL 9788 and EL 22965, Annual report for period 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Gold
Barrick Gold of Australia
Report id: CR2004-0750
Tenure: EL5888;  EL8809;  EL9788;  EL22965
Year: 2004
Author: Purcell, G
Abstract: The Supplejack Project comprises Exploration Licences (EL) 5888, 8809, 9788 and 22965 and forms part of the Tanami (NT) JV, a Joint Venture agreement between Tanami Gold NL (TGNL) and Barrick Gold of Australia Limited (BGAL). The tenements were granted during 2002-2003 for a period of six years. Work conducted during 2004 involved geological compilation and detailed aircore drilling of a significant Au-As rock chip anomaly identified during previous reconnaissance work. These activities included 92 aircore holes for 4530 m and 64 BLEG samples. There were no on-ground activities undertaken on EL 22965 as the access agreement with the Central Land Council is currently pending.
Date Added: 23-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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