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Title: Annual report for period ending 2 July 2010 EL 24607 Wakaya
Title Holder / Company: Minemakers
Report id: CR2010-0448
Tenure: EL24607
Year: 2010
Author: Fulton, R
Abstract: Work completed for the year included drill planning followed by the construction of approximately 37 kilometres of access tracks and 23 RC drill sites. Drilling is due to commence on or about the 12 July 2010. Approximately 11.1 hectares of disturbance was created by track construction and 1 hectare of disturbance was created by drill pad construction. A comprehensive environmental impact study for the Wonarah Phosphate Project formed part of the feasibility study which was completed in June 2010.
Date Added: 27-Sep-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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