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Title: Barrow Creek Project EL 23186 Annual technical report for the period 15 July 2004 to 14 July 2005
Title Holder / Company: Mithril Resources
Report id: CR2005-0292
Tenure: EL23186
Year: 2005
Author: McKinnon-Matthews, WJ
Abstract: The main focus of work during the reporting period was again focused near the historical Ni/Cu mineralisation contained in a mafic intrusive at 'Prospect D'. Further regional work over the remainder of the designated area was also completed. Work completed during the reporting period included: Site heritage surveys; Diamond and RC Percussion drilling; Airborne EM, ground TEM and downhole EM; Regional and detailed gravity; Orientation geochemistry; and Planning of further work. Drilling intersected massive and disseminated Ni/Cu sulphides over variable widths at Prospect D and the regional geophysical programs identified coincident EM, gravity and magnetic anomalies that may be sourced by similar styles of mineralisation. Work is ongoing over the project area.
Date Added: 22-Feb-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL23186_2005_A_08_MaglagAssays.txt8.73 kBText Add
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