Hole # d_from d_to colour rocktype weath struct text g_size minerals %sulph comments BCD-008 0 2 rdbn Csa/Cg q-fe-cy "windblown sand first 1m, river gravels 1-2m" BCD-008 2 4 bn Cg q-fe-cy fluvial gravels BCD-008 4 6 ltbn Ss mw mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 6 8 ltbn Ss ww mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 8 10 gngy Ss ww mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 10 12 ltbn Ss ww mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 12 14 ltbn Sslt ww fg c-q Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 14 16 ltbn Sslt ww fg c-q Interbedded siltstone and greywacke - box BCD-008 16 18 gngy Sslt fg c-q Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 18 20 gngy Sslt fg c-q Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 20 22 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 22 24 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 24 26 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 26 28 gygn Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 28 30 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 30 32 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 32 34 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 34 36 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 36 39 bn-gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke BCD-008 39 41.9 gy Ss mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke. End Precollar. BCD-008 41.9 45.7 gy Ss mg q-c-b-cb Greywacke with common cb veining sub parrallel to bedding. Start NQ2 BCD-008 45.7 62.25 gy Sm fg c-q-b-torm?-cb Siltstone/mudstone with common bedding (40 deg to core axis). Vfg black mineral (tormaline?) disseminated. Minor random cb veins/veinlets. BCD-008 62.25 79.95 gy Sm-Ss wf fg-mg q-c-b-cb "Interbedded siltstone, mudstone and greywacke, minor cb veining. 74.15-74.4 qtz vein. " BCD-008 79.95 105.45 gy Ss mg q-c-b-cb "Dominantly massive greywacke, little bedding evident. <10% is siltstone becoming more common towards bottom of interval. Mionr q-cb veining throughout." BCD-008 105.45 108.45 gy-bn Sslt fg c-q-b "Dirty siltstone interval, some bedding evident, moderate q-cb veinlets." BCD-008 108.45 118.3 gy Ss mg q-c Very hard siliceous sandstone. Massive with very minor (<10cm) mudstone/sitlstone intervals. Minor q-cb veining. BCD-008 118.3 178.2 gy Ss-Sslt mg-fg q-c "Interbedded greywacke (60%), siltstone (30%) and mudstone (10%). Mionr qitz veining. 144.85-145.15m." BCD-008 178.2 180 dk-gn Ssh sf fg c-q-b 2% py "Shale cut by numerous qtz veins. Minor py blebs and stringers associated with veins and shale. Shale shows soft sediment defm. Veins are random, to 5cm thick and some marcasite on fliation planes. " BCD-008 180 181.8 dk-gy Ss sf mg c-q-b Greywacke or volcanic sediment? Mottled appearance. Commonly veined. BCD-008 181.8 184.75 lt-gy Ss mg q-c Massive silicified greywacke. BCD-008 184.75 191 gy+wt Ss-q mg q-c As above with abundant qtz veining (50% of interval). BCD-008 191 193.1 gy+wt Ss-q mg q-c-b As above with c-b blebs in qtz veins. BCD-008 193.1 195.45 gy Ss-Sslt fg-cg q-c Mix of greywacke and siltstone with greywacke showing graded bedding (younging downhole). Broken core over entire interval. BCD-008 195.45 213.6 gy Ss-Sslt mg-fg q-c+-b Interbedded greywacke and siltstone 70/30 respectively. Minor qtz veins cut interval to 50cm thick (198.9-199.6). Greywacke shows graded bedding (younging down hole). BCD-008 213.6 220 gy Sslt fg q-c Siltstone with common cross bedding (younging downhole). BCD-008 220 220.65 wt q bx q-c-cb "2% py, tr cpy" "Qtz veins breccia with bleby py, chlorite and minor cpy." BCD-008 220.65 224.05 gy Sslt fg q-c Siltstone As 213.6-220m. BCD-008 224.05 251.9 gy Ss-Sslt mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke (50/50). Intervals of broken core. Some fracture sub parrallel to ore axis. Ptygamtic folding of qtz veins at 239.3m. BCD-008 251.9 273.4 gy Ss-Sslt fract mg-fg q-c "Interbedded siltstone and greywacke (50/50). Heavily fractured, commonly parallel to core axis. Minor tr cpy 257.7-258" BCD-008 273.4 273.7 gy Bcy fault fg cy-c-q Fault gauge. BCD-008 273.7 305 gy Ss-Sslt mg-fg q-c Interbedded siltstone and greywacke (50/50). Intervals of broken core. Some fracture sub parrallel to ore axis. 298.8-298.9 is qtz vein with 5-10% py-po BCD-008 305 306.05 gy Sslt fg q-c Hornfels siltstone with competant (silicified) brecciated intervals. BCD-008 306.05 308.3 gn+wt M? fault fg c-q-b+-cb 1-2% py-po-cpy Sheared gabbro? Shear parrallel to core axis. High q-cb? Veining. Broken core. Sulphides as disseminations and thin stringers. BCD-008 308.3 308.65 wt q fault fg q-c-b 1-2% py-po-cpy Qtz vein with common chlorite and biotite selvages. BCD-008 308.65 312.85 gn-gy Mg mg a-p-c-cb-b-lx 2-3% po-cpy-pn "Gabbro, foliated on upper contact and cut by numerous generally thin cb and qtz veins and veinlets. Fg-blebby disseminated sulphides. " BCD-008 312.85 314.8 gy Mg mf mg a-p-c-cb-b-lx tr-1% po-cpy-pn Mod-strongly cb-q veined and altered gabbro with fg dissem sulphides. Cpy blebs at 314.7m. BCD-008 314.8 315.65 wt+gy q sf mg q-c-cb-b tr Qtz vein with chlorite and biotite selvages common. Marks lower (eastern) contact of gabbro. BCD-008 315.65 322.5 lt-gy Ss mg-fg q-c Intensly qtz veined and silicified greywacke with minor siltstone. Biotite and chlorite +-v. minor sulphide phases in veins. BCD-008 322.5 325.15 dk-gy Iv wf mg q-p-b-ser tr-1% Interval silicificed first 1.5m. Plag?/qtz phenocrysts becommnig more common toward base of interval. Fg disseminated sulphides throughout. BCD-008 325.15 329 dk-gy Iv mf? flow banding? mg q-p-b-ser 1% po-py-cpy Volcanic unit (dacite??) showing possible flow banding (ignimbrite?). Lithic fragments and qtz/feld phenos show prefferred orientation. Fg and bleeby sulphides disseminated throughout interval. BCD-008 329 330.8 dk-gy Iv? fg-mg q-p-b-ser 1% po-py-cpy Volcanic? As above but without abundant porphoritic plag and qtz. Possible relic igneous text and silicified on margins. BCD-008 330.8 339.7 gy Ss-Sslt mg-fg q-c Greywacke (60%) and Siltstone (40%) of HCG. Weak-moderate qtz veining contains some chlorite and biotite selvages. 332.9-332.95 fault gauge. BCD-008 339.7 341.15 dk-gy Iv mf flow banding? mg-fg q-p-b-ser tr Thin volcanic unit as above with minor porphyritic qtz and feld with less common oriented lithic fragment. BCD-008 341.15 356.1 gy Ss-Sslt mg-fg q-c Greywacke (60%) and Siltstone (40%) of HCG. 355.95-EOH is qtz vein. EOH 356.1m BCD-009 0 0 bn Cm vw fg PC Red clay soil with white quartz chips BCD-009 0 2 pa gn Ccy vw fg "PC Olive green clays, rounded quartz grains" BCD-009 2 4 gy gn Bcy vw fg "PC Grey-green clays, minor rounded quartz" BCD-009 4 6 gy wh B vw mg "PC Grey white sand-clay mix, rounded clear quartz grains in white clays" BCD-009 6 8 gy gn bn Bcy vw fg "PC Mottled grey-green and red clays, minor rounded clear quartz, platy green amph?" BCD-009 8 10 pa gn wh B vw mg "PC White to olive green, minor clays, clear rounded quartz and platy green amph?" BCD-009 10 12 pa gy B vw mg "PC Light grey mixture rounded clear, white and Fe-oxide stained quartz" BCD-009 12 14 pa gn bn Bcy vw fg PC Clay rich mottled olive green and red BCD-009 14 16 pa gn wh B vw mg PC White to olive green clays and grey rounded quartz BCD-009 16 18 pa gn wh B vw mg "PC White to olive green clays and grey rounded quartz, Occasional platy green amph?" BCD-009 18 20 pa gy B vw mg PC White clays and mixture grey-white rounded quartz BCD-009 20 22 pa gn gy B vw mg PC Olive clays and mixture grey-white rounded quartz BCD-009 22 24 pa gn gy B vw mg PC Olive and white clays and mixture grey-white rounded quartz BCD-009 24 26 pa gy B vw mg PC Sand size quartz-mixtures of colours plus minor clays BCD-009 26 28 pa gy B vw cg PC Sand size abundant rounded quartz-mixtures of colours plus minor clays BCD-009 28 30 pa gy B vw cg "PC Sand to pebble quartz, variety of colours clear to Fe-stained, some opaques, rutile, zircon, micas. Steel shavings from drill" BCD-009 30 32 pa gy B vw cg "PC Sand to pebble quartz, variety of colours clear to Fe-stained, some opaques, rutile, zircon, micas. Steel shavings from drill" BCD-009 32 34 pa gy B vw cg "PC Sand quartz, variety of colours clear to Fe-stained, some opaques, rutile, zircon, micas. Steel shavings from drill" BCD-009 34 36 pa gy gn B vw mg "PC Sand angular to rounded quartz and rutile, minor olive and white clays" BCD-009 36 38 pa gy B vw mg "PC Abundant sand angular to rounded quartz and rutile, olive clays" BCD-009 38 40 pa gy Ccy vw fg "PC Abundant olive and dark green clays, rounded grey quartz" BCD-009 40 42 pa gy Ccy vw fg "PC Abundant olive and dark green clays, trace bladed amphibole" BCD-009 42 44 gy Ccy mw fg "PC Abundant olive and dark green clays, abundant bladed amphibole, possible trace sulphides" BCD-009 44 47.8 gn gy Mg mw fg "PC Abundant olive and dark green clays, abundant bladed amphibole, possible trace sulphides" BCD-009 47.8 52.1 dk gn Mg ww wf mg a-p-c-sil 2% "Commence NQ coring. Gabbro. Amph-plag+/-chl. Up hole siliceous altered (+/- chlorite) to patchily developed fine grained texture. 51.7-52.1m down-hole contact fine grained (chilled) biotite-rich margin oriented 317 strike, 85+ dip west parallel to beds in seds downhole. Po-py content increases from trace uphole up to 2% locally downhole. 1mm to 2cm veins of sph(?)+carb+/-py common throughout (3% of mass) from 48.4m with 5mm Fe-oxide stained alteration selvages in adjacent wallrock. Veins oriented 35-25 degrees to core axis." BCD-009 52.1 53.6 lt gy Sslt ww fg <1 Very fine grained well laminated siltstone. Beds 1-5mm. Approx 1m hornfelsed on contact with gabbro up hole. Occasional trace sph(?) within narrow 1mm silty horizons. Abundant fuchsite/sericite 1-2mm fracture lining throughout. BCD-009 53.6 58.6 pk gy Sslt ww fg "Fine grained sandy siltstone, well laminated beds 1mm to 4cm with occasional 10cm sand units. Pervasive pink-red alteration and silicification of sand units (jasperitic). Siltstone units slight sericitic/fuchsitic alteration. Occasional fuchsite/sericite fracture lining. Bedding strike 313 dip 75-80 deg W." BCD-009 58.6 72.7 lt gy gn pk Sslt ww bx fg sil-c-cb 2-3 goss-py-cpy "Well laminated sandy siltstone with minor jasperitic bands to 4cm (10% jasperitic to 62.5m, none down hole below 62.5m). Pervasive quartz+carb+/-py+/-sph(?) veins to 5cm throughout oriented dominantly sub-parallel to beds. Occasional christmas tree Fe-oxide alteration selvages around intersecting bedding parallel and bedding orthogonal veins. Boxworks in carbonate may be after galena. Occasional 2-10cm wide stratabound breccia bands. 1-5mm angular breccia fragments of siltstone appear locally derived from surrounding beds, in-situ brecciation? Asymmetric tight to isoclinal parasitic fold in siliceous bed plunge 83 deg towards 145 denotes antiform to west." BCD-009 72.7 79 gy Sslt fg <1 Well laminated sandy siltstone. Sandy units to 15cm often highly siliceous (alteration?). Occasional fracture controlled py+/-cpy. BCD-010 0 5.6 bn Cm vw fg PC Red clay soil with white quartz chips BCD-010 5.6 8 tn Csa vw cg Coarse sand and minor silt BCD-010 8 15 tn Ss mw cg "Immature coarse grit sandstone with quartz, Fe-oxides and rutile" BCD-010 15 22.1 tn pk Sm mw mg "Laminated, well bedded 2mm siltstone and to 5cm sandy mudstone. Younging down hole" BCD-010 22.1 27 tn pk Ss mw cg "Immature coarse grit sandstone with quartz, Fe-oxides and rutile. Fining down hole from pebbly base to laminated siltstone top" BCD-010 27 34.3 tn pk Sm mw mg "Laminated, well bedded 5mm siltstone and to 4cm sandy mudstone. Younging down hole" BCD-010 34.3 51.7 gy pk Ss mw cg Graded immature coarse grit sandstone beds with abundant 2-3mm angular lithic fragments and occasional 20-30cm laminated siltstone tops. Younging down-hole. BCD-010 51.7 54.5 gy pk Sm mw mg "Laminated, well bedded 1mm siltstone and to 2cm sandy mudstone. Younging down hole. Occasional stratabound siliceous breccia bands to 5cm. Jigsaw fit of fragments - in situ brecciation?" BCD-010 54.5 55.5 gy pk Ss mw cg Immature sandstone grit BCD-010 55.5 59.4 tn pk Ss vw cg Heavily weathered and broken rubble zone in immature sandstone grit BCD-010 59.4 60.6 tn pk Ss mw cg Base of oxidation. End HQ. Dowhole fining graded bed from 2-4mm gs immature clastic base to finely laminated siltstone top. BCD-010 60.6 89.55 gy gn Ss pw cg 1-5m Dowhole fining graded beds from 2-4mm gs immature clastic bases to finely laminated siltstone tops. 71.5m Bedding strike 020 Dip vert younging to east BCD-010 89.55 103.95 gn Mg wf mg a-p-c <1% "Variably chlorite altered and silicified gabbro. Extensive network of 1mm to occasional 4cm sil-ep-carb-chl veins throughout at 30-40 deg to core axis. Pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite microstringers + disseminations throughout. Upper contact strike 340 dip 75SW 30cm fg biotite rich selvage, lower contact strike 105 dip 85NE 30cm fg biotite-chl-py selvage. Both contacts parallel to bedding in sediments." BCD-010 103.95 131.5 gy Sslt wf fg <1% "Well bedded and laminated sandy siltstones and siltstones. Beds 1mm to 15cm. Siltstone beds commonly pale green-yellow sericitic(fuchsite??) altered. Common highly siliceous grey quartzite units associated with stratabound and stratiform mm scale bands of pyrite-sphalerite-chalcopyrite within mm scale dark bands (tourmaline??) from 103.95 to 118m, less common from 118m. 111.1-111.2 Quartz-chlorite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite-galena-pyrite vein. Sulphides blebby to 5mm, approx 8% of vein. 115.1-115.6 sericite-chlorite-carbonate-anhydrite(?) alteration with stratabound vfg pyrite-sphalerite-chalcopyrite to 15%. 116 Isoclinal asymmetric fold axis in siliceous quartzite bed Axis Trend 190 Plunge 75. Vergence Anticline to west." BCD-010 131.5 174.85 gy Ss wf cg 1-5m Dowhole fining graded beds from pebble immature clastic bases to finely laminated siltstone tops. Younging to east. Minor 1-4mm quartz-carbonate veining at a variety of angles to core axis. Lower most 1m hornfelsed against the mafic. BCD-010 174.85 177.2 bk gn Mg mf mg b-p-a 1% "Moderately to well foliated biotite rich gabbro. Foliation parallel to contacts, parallel to bedding in sediments.1-5mm quartz-carbonate veins throughout at variety of angles to core axis. Upper contact 0.5m fg biotite rich selvage. 176.6-177 1-4mm quartz-carbonate-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite veins." BCD-010 177.2 192.05 gy gn Ss wf mg <1% "1-3m Dowhole fining graded beds from cg immature clastic bases to finely laminated siltstone tops. Uphole contact 60cm apparent mixing zone of gabbro with Ss, hornfelsed with relict bedding and blue quartz-eyes. Downhole contact 75cm apparent mixing zone of gabbro with Ss, hornfelsed with increasing biotite content downhole. 180.8-182.8 rare 2-8mm fracture controlled chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite blebs and mm stringers. 191.6-191.86 strongly foliated quartz biotite-chlorite vein strike NE, dip steep SW." BCD-010 192.05 192.35 br-bk-gn Mg sf mg b-c-a-p "Biotite rich selvage on gabbro contact, phase out of sedimentary bedding, increasing biotite content downhole." BCD-010 192.35 228.35 gn gy Mg wf mg a-p-opx-cpx 1% "amphibole-2 pyroxene (green and brown)-plagioclase gabbro. Variably developed amph-chl-silica alteration and corresponding reduction in grain size to vfg over 20-50cm intervals throughout. Trace disseminated pyrrhotite to 203m corresponds to weak magnetism and high mag-susc. 1mm-1cm quartz-carbonate-chlorite veins common throughout dominantly 45-60 deg to core axis. 212.25-212.35 4cm quartz-carb-chl vein with 2-3cm chl alteration selvages in wall rock. Vein contains up to 8% blebs and stringers of chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-pentlandite(??) 203m, 209m, 217.5m, 218.5m 5-10cm qtz-bt-chl-carb veins. 227.4-228.35 Fluidic, contorted quartz-chl-biotite veins. Quartz content increases from 10% to 80% from 227.8-228.35m. Apparent relict sedimentary layering. Blue quartz eyes in adjacent gabbro. Sedimentary raft??" BCD-010 228.35 237.3 gy gn Mg cg a-p-q-mt <1% "Vari-textured vcg to pegmatitic quartz-gabbro. 25% qtz, 20% plag, 40% amph, 10% chl, ~5% mag. Qtz-plag patches to 10-15mm, amphibole blades 2-5mm." BCD-010 237.3 237.8 gy gn Mg mg a-p-opx-cpx 1% Intense quartz-chlorite-biotite-sericite veining. 1 vein 4mm wide contains blebs pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite to 4mm. BCD-010 237.8 241.75 gn gy Mg mg a-p-q-pyx <1% "Equigranular gabbro, gs 1-2mm. Occasional mm to cm scale quartz-epidote veins at 60 deg to core axis." BCD-010 241.75 243.8 gn bk M por p Fine grained aphanitic plagioclase lath phyric mafic. 8% plag laths to 2mm. Upper contact with gabbro 5cm network mm scale qtz-bt-carb veins dipping vertical. Lower contact with sediments sharp and vertical. BCD-010 243.8 250 gn gy Ss mg 1-2m Dowhole fining graded beds from cg immature clastic bases to finely laminated siltstone tops. Pervasive fracture controlled chl-ser-ep alteration of siltstone members throughout. BCRC-011 0 2 rdbn Csa-Cg fg-cg q-cy Transported sands and gravel (fluvial?) BCRC-011 2 4 bn Cg mg q-cy Fluvial gravel? BCRC-011 4 6 bnrd Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete and silicified clays BCRC-011 6 8 tn Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete as above with pisoliths. BCRC-011 8 10 bn Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete as above with pisoliths. BCRC-011 10 12 wt Fg mw sf mg cy-p-q Weathered granite or rhyolite BCRC-011 12 14 wt Fg mw sf mg cy-p-q Weathered granite or rhyolite BCRC-011 14 16 wt Fg mw sf mg cy-p-q "Weathered granite or rhyolite, EOH." BCRC-012 0 2 rdbn Csa-Cg fg-cg q-cy Transported sands and gravel (fluvial?) BCRC-012 2 4 bn Cg mg q-cy Fluvial gravel? BCRC-012 4 6 bnrd Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete and silicified clays BCRC-012 6 8 bn Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete and silicified clays BCRC-012 8 10 tn Csl fg-mg q-cy-mn "Silcrete and silicified clays, minor Mn." BCRC-012 10 12 tn Ccy fg-mg cy-q "transported clays, minor silicification." BCRC-012 12 14 tn Ccy fg-mg cy-q "transported clays, minor silicification." BCRC-012 14 16 bn Ccy fg-mg cy-q "transported clays, minor silicification." BCRC-012 16 18 dkbn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-012 18 20 dkbn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-012 20 22 dkbn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-012 22 24 dkgygn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-012 24 26 dkgygn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-012 26 28 dkgygn Gi vw mg cy-b-q Saprock horizon. Intermediate gneiss BCRC-012 28 30 dkgygn Gi vw mg cy-b-q Saprock horizon. Intermediate gneiss BCRC-012 30 32 dkgygn Gi vw mg cy-b-q Saprock horizon. Intermediate gneiss BCRC-012 32 34 gy Gi mw sf mg p-q-b-a Abundant biotite and fg amphibole in intermediate gneiss BCRC-013 0 2 rdbn Csa-Cg fg-cg q-cy Transported sands and gravel (fluvial?) BCRC-013 2 4 bn Cg mg q-cy Fluvial gravel? BCRC-013 4 6 bn Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete with minor pisoliths. BCRC-013 6 8 cm Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete with minor pisoliths. BCRC-013 8 10 bnrd Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete within mottled zone BCRC-013 10 12 bn Csl fg-mg q-cy Silcrete within mottled zone BCRC-013 12 14 bn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-013 14 16 bntn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-013 16 18 bntn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-013 18 20 gn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-013 20 22 dkgn Bcy vw fg cy "Basement clays, after gneiss?" BCRC-013 22 24 dkgn Gi vw mg cy-b-q Saprock horizon. Intermediate gneiss BCRC-013 24 26 dkgn Gi vw mg cy-b-q Saprock horizon. Intermediate gneiss BCRC-013 26 28 dkgn Gi vw mg cy-b-q Saprock horizon. Intermediate gneiss BCRC-013 28 30 dkgn Gi mw sf mg cy-b-q-a Abundant biotite and fg amphibole in intermediate gneiss BCRC-013 30 32 gy Gi mw sf mg cy-b-q-a Abundant biotite and fg amphibole in intermediate gneiss BCRC-013 32 34 gy Gi ww sf mg cy-b-q-a Abundant biotite and fg amphibole in intermediate gneiss. EOH