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Title: GR108 McArthur Group annual report for the period 10 April 2013 to 9 April 2014
Title Holder / Company: Castile Resources
MMG Exploration
Report id: CR2014-0352
Tenure: EL26028;  EL26029;  EL26030;  EL26031;  EL26183;  EL26362;  EL26363;  EL26419;  EL26572;  EL26579;  EL26923;  EL26949
Year: 2014
Author: Cornish, D
Pietrass-Wong, B
McGilvray, CT
Abstract: During the reporting period, two diamond core holes (MBXDD001 and MBXDD002) were drilled for a total of 696.9m on EL 26923 and EL 26029 respectively. The drillholes targeted the 'Gorge' and 'Abner' prospects respectively. The drillholes targeted the prospective Barney Creek Formation (BCF) in structurally-favourable settings proximal to the major Abner Fault. MBXDD001 intersected approximately 150m of BCF shale in what is interpreted to be the locally thickest section of BCF outcrop. The intersected body of shale lacks obvious HYC-style mineralisation, carbonate alteration, and polymictic slump breccia interbeds typical of the HYC area. Only minor vein-hosted galena in BCF was encountered. MBXDD002 failed to intersect BCF and no significant mineralisation was encountered. The interpreted stratigraphies in MBXDD002 are not easily reconciled with current NTGS mapping and will prove useful in re-interpreting the local geology. A stream sediment sampling program, designed in part to provide modern multi-element geochemistry was completed over targets generated by Steve King (3, 18 and 20) and ioGlobal (27 and 61). The samples collected in and around these targets did not produce anomalous results. Except for ioGlobal target 61, where upstream sampling resulted in anomalies 1 and 2. The eastern side of target 61 is contiguous with anomaly 1, but the western side appears to be a distinct anomaly.
Date Added: 12-Aug-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR108_2014_GA_01.pdf2.09 MBPDF Add
GR108_2014_GA_012_SSed_samples.pdf214.71 kBPDF Add
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