H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 3/02/2014 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 5/02/2014 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL26029 EL26923 H0101 Tenement_holder Castille Resources Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Matchbox H0106 Tenement_Operator MMG Exploration Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5303 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6064 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 1/10/2013 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31/01/2014 H0202 Template_format DS4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 103 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 5/02/2014 H0300 Filetype GR108_2014_GA_04_DownholeGeology.txt H0301 Surface_location_data_file GR108_2014_GA_02_DrillCollars.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file GR108_2014_GA_05_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file GR108_2014_GA_03_DownholeSurveys.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file GR108_2014_GA_09_LithCodes.txt H0308 File verification list H0316 Recovery_data_file GR108_2014_GA_07_RecoveryData.txt H0318 QAQC_data_file GR108_2014_GA_06_QAQCGeochem.txt H0319 Structure_data_file GR108_2014_GA_08_Structure.txt H0400 Drill_code DIA H0401 Drill_contractor Titeline Drilling H0402 Description DIA Diamond Coring H0500 Feature_located Hole Collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_Zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument Handheld GPS H0533 Surveying_company MMG Exploration Pty Ltd H1000 Hole_id DEPTH_FROM DEPTH_TO Lith_Qualifier Lith_Qualifier2 Lith_Qualifier3 Lithology Weathering Hardness ColourShade Colour1 Colour2 Comments Stratigraphy LoggedBy H1001 Units metres metres H1004 Accuracy 0.1 0.1 D MBXDD001 0 4.3 cal fer LAL 5 1 DK BRN Quarternary alluvium - sand grade to gravel with polymictic angular to sub-rounded clasts; stong acid reaction Q CGI D MBXDD001 4.3 15.1 kbd wmd SSD 3 3 LT ORA GRY Strongly weathered thin to medium interbeds of dolomitic siltstone to coarse sandstone; bedding is planar to irregular with common scouring; crossbedding and soft-sediment-deformation; Mn dendrite staining; minor late thin calcite veining Pmx CGI D MBXDD001 15.1 19.4 tbd lam SDH 1 3 DK BLK GRY Medium-bedded to laminated dolomitic carbonaceous black shale and lesser grey dolomitic siltstone (dolomitic siltstone component decreasing downhole); planar to irregular bedding with occasional scouring and soft-sediment deformation Pmq CGI D MBXDD001 19.4 72.7 lam cbn SDH 0 3 DK BLK Planar laminated dolomitic carbonaceous black shale with minor inter-laminae of grey dolomitic siltstone (dolomitic siltstone component decreasing downhole; cessation of thicker >1cm beds of up-hole interval); occasional cross-bedding becoming less common moving downhole; occasional faulting and brecciation interpreted to be early due to association with soft-sediment-deformation; pyrite associated with late calcite veins and minor isolated blebs Pmq CGI D MBXDD001 72.7 126 lam cbn pyr SDH 0 3 DK BLK Planar laminated dolomitic carbonaceous black shale; cessation of grey dolomitic siltstone; common disseminated pyrite-rich beds especially toward centre of interval; occasional faulting and soft-sediment deformation; minor late thin calcite + pyrite veining Pmq CGI D MBXDD001 126 142.2 lam cbn fau SDH 0 3 DK BLK Planar laminated dolomitic carbonaceous black shale with lesser grey dolomitic coarse siltstone inter-laminae (increasing moving downhole); minor late thin calcite + pyrite veining; common faulting and fault(?) rubble Pmq CGI D MBXDD001 142.2 163.6 lam cbn fau SDH 0 4 DK BLK Planar inter-laminated dolomitic carbonaceous black shale and grey dolomitic coarse siltstone (dolomitic siltstone interbeds increase in frequency and thickness moving downhole); some dolomitic siltstone interbeds are moderately silicified and decalcified; at 146m there is a ~15cm bedding-parallel vein of shale crackle breccia with galena mineralisation; rare minor calcite vein-related galena also occurs in this interval; common faulting and rare soft-sediment-deformation; minor late thin calcite + pyrite veining Pmq CGI D MBXDD001 163.6 167.6 tbd bxd fau STD 0 4 MO TAN BLK Planar thin interbedded tan/grey dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone and dolomitic carbonaceous black shale; largely faulted Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 167.6 176.9 tbd bxd fau STD 0 4 LT GRN GRY Planar thin interbedded dolomitic green siltstones to white/grey fine sandstones; largely faulted and brecciated- breccia is clast-supported and composed of poorly-sorted monomictic dolomite angular clasts with a fine dark shaley matrix; sections of intense pyrite bleb mineralisation at 173-174m Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 176.9 189.5 bxd tbd fau SDO 0 4 LT CRM GRN Planar thin-bedded cream/green dolostone which is mostly brecciated- includes a competent breccia that is clast-supported and composed of monomictic poor-sorted cream/green dolostone angular clasts in a fine typically pink dolomitic matrix; and a friable matrix breccia that is clast-supported and composed of monomictic poor-sorted cream/green dolostone angular clasts in a soft chloritised gauge matrix (at 182.8-183.8m there is calcite and hematite infilling this soft gauge matrix) Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 189.5 200 tbd bxd fau SDO 0 4 LT CRM PNK Thin planar interbeds of pink; cream and green dolostone; largely brecciated- mostly a friable matrix breccia that is clast-supported and composed of polymictic (multi-coloured dolostones) poor-sorted angular clasts in a soft chloritised gauge matrix; common faulting and occasional soft-sediment-deformation; occasional sections of orange/tan decalcified dolostone; minor vuggy calcite open-space-fill Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 200 212.5 tbd bxd fau SDO 0 4 LT PNK CRM Thin planar interbeds of domniantly pink (manganiferous?) and lesser cream and green dolostone; largely brecciated- mostly a friable matrix breccia that is clast-supported and composed of polymictic (multi-coloured dolostones) poor-sorted angular clasts in a soft chloritised gauge matrix; common faulting and occasional soft-sediment-deformation; occasional sections of orange/tan decalcified dolostone Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 212.5 219.5 tbd bxd fau SDO 0 4 LT CRM GRN Thin planar interbeds of cream and lesser green and pink dolostone; largely brecciated- mostly a friable matrix breccia that is clast-supported and composed of monomictic poor-sorted angular clasts in a soft chloritised gauge matrix; common faulting and occasional soft-sediment-deformation Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 219.5 221.6 tbd bxd fau SDO 0 4 LT PNK CRM Thin planar interbeds of domniantly pink (manganiferous?) and lesser cream and green dolostone; sections of dolostone rubble and chloritic gauge; sections of orange/tan decalcified dolostone Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 221.6 224.5 tbd bxd fau SDO 0 4 LT CRM GRN Thin planar interbeds of cream and lesser pink and green dolostone; largely brecciated- mostly a friable matrix breccia that is clast-supported and composed of monomictic poor-sorted angular clasts in a soft chloritised gauge matrix Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 224.5 226.1 lam cbn bxd SDH 0 3 DK BLK Laminated carbonaceous black shale; entrained in dolostone breccia at upper and lower contacts Pmq CGI D MBXDD001 226.1 230.6 bxd sil SDO 0 5 LT WHT CRM Slightly silicified white/cream dolostone often with a grey stain; largely brecciated- clast-supported breccia composed of monomictic poorly-sorted dolostone angular clasts in a fine dolomitic pink matrix Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 230.6 255 tbd bxd SDO 0 4 LT CRM GRN Heterogeneous planar thin-bedded cream; green and pink dolostones which are largely brecciated- includes competent breccia that is clast-supported and composed of monomictic poor-sorted cream/green dolostone angular clasts in a fine dolomitic matrix; and a friable matrix breccia that is clast-supported to matrix-supported and composed of polymictic poor-sorted cream/green dolostone angular clasts in a soft chloritised gauge matrix Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 255 317 tbd bxd SDO 0 4 MD PPL BRN Planar thin-bedded purple/brown dolostone wich is mostly brecciated- breccia is heterogeneous but typically is clast-supported and composed of poorly-sorted monomictic dark purple dolostone angular clasts in a paler fine dolomitic matrix; brecciated sections can contain ~1cm radially-arranged after aragonite needles(?) (example at 285.3m) Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 317 336 tbd bxd SDO 0 4 LT CRM PNK Heterogeneous planar thin-bedded dolostone wich is mostly brecciated- breccia is heterogeneous but typically is clast-supported and composed of poorly-sorted monomictic dolostone angular clasts in a fine dolomitic matrix; minor matrix-supported breccias with sub-angular to sub-rounded elongate clasts which may reresent ramp-facies flat-peble conglomerates (example 320.6-321.3m) Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 336 373 mas bxd SDO 0 4 MD PPL RED Massive and occasionally diffusely thin-bedded red/brown dolostone; commonly brecciated- breccia is clast-supported and composed of poorly-sorted monomictic dolostone angular clasts in a fine dolomitic matrix Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 373 388.3 tbd bxd SDO 0 4 MD PPL RED Planar thin-bedded red/brown dolostone; commonly brecciated- breccia is clast-supported and composed of poorly-sorted monomictic dolostone angular clasts in a fine dolomitic matrix; minor brown siltstone interbeds Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 388.3 399.2 mas bxd SDO 0 4 MD PPL RED Massive and occasionally diffusely thin-bedded red/brown dolostone; commonly brecciated- breccia is clast-supported and composed of poorly-sorted monomictic dolostone angular clasts in a fine dolomitic matrix; minor late thin calcite veining Pmc CGI D MBXDD001 399.2 402.3 tbd bxd SDO 0 4 MD PPL CRM Planar thin-bedded red/brown dolostone and minor brown siltstone interbeds; some brecciation Pmc CGI D MBXDD002 0 1.3 grv LAL 5 0 MD RED BRN Quarternary Alluvium - sand grade to gravel with polymictic angular to sub-rounded clasts Q CGI D MBXDD002 1.3 2.6 grv LCA 5 0 LT TAN Weakly developed calcrete with alluvial mixing; weathered regolith zone of underlying calcrete. Ts CGI D MBXDD002 2.6 4 LCA 5 1 LT WHT TAN Friable and competent saprock calcrete breccia with angular clasts of weathered dolomite Tc CGI D MBXDD002 4 4.3 NCP Core Loss CGI D MBXDD002 4.3 6.5 LCA 5 1 LT WHT TAN Friable and competent saprock salcrete breccia with angular clasts of weathered dolomite Tc CGI D MBXDD002 6.5 9.4 tbd wmd SSD 4 3 LT WHT TAN Oxidised and partially weathered fine bedded medium-grained dolomitic sandstone; possible bioherm stomatolitic texture Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 9.4 13.2 bnd hmt wmd SID 3 4 LT PPL GRN Fine to medium-interbedded green and red/brown siltstones and pale grey dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone; irregular bedding; scouring; rip-up clasts and weakly developed flame structures; calcite annealed and open dissolution fractures; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 13.2 15.6 alg cgr hmt SDM 2 4 LT GRY PPL Coarse-grained and medium-bedded bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals replaced by haematite and/or siderite that are typically concentrated in veins; stylolites; possible hydrothermal zones of calcite blades and calcite open-space fill Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 15.6 17.6 tbd fgr SID 2 4 LT GRN CRM Fine-interbedded green siltstone and cream dolomitic fine sandstone with irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring and ripple lamination Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 17.6 18.6 tbd hmt wmd SSL 3 4 MD BRN PPL Fine to medium-bedded medium brown/purple siltstone and lesser grey/cream dolomitic fine sandstone; calcite annealed and open dissolution fractures; irregular bedding; scouring; rip-up clasts; weakly developed flame structures; late thin calcite veins that typically have a green coloured halo Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 18.6 20.2 tbd fgr SID 1 4 LT GRN CRM Thin to medium-interbeds of medium green; dark green and brown siltstones; and white to pale grey/cream dolomitic fine sandstones; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts and ripple lamination; minor late faulting and thin calcite + hematite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 20.2 20.9 alg cgr kbd SDM 1 4 MD PPL GRY Coarse-grained and medium-bedded bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals replaced by haematite and/or siderite that are typically concentrated in veins; stylolites; possible hydrothermal zones of calcite blades and calcite open-space fill Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 20.9 23.6 tbd fgr SID 1 4 MD GRN GRY Thin interbeds of medium green and dark grey/green siltstones; and white to pale grey fine dolomitic siltstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; ripple lamination and cross-bedding; occasional pressure dissolution breccias and stylolites; minor late calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 23.6 25.4 alg cgr kbd SDM 1 4 DK GRY PPL Coarse-grained and medium-bedded bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals; stylolites; possible hydrothermal zones of calcite blades and calcite open-space fill; minor late faulting and thin calcite + hematite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 25.4 28 tbd fgr SID 1 4 LT GRN CRM Thin interbeds of medium green and dark grey/green siltstones; and white to grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; and ripple lamination; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins; toward the top of the interval there is complex overprinting of dark brown and green staining in siltstones- typically late veins show a ~2mm green halo followed by a ~1-2cm dark brown halo Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 28 28.8 tbd fgr SSL 1 4 DK BRN PPL Fine to medium bedded; fine-grained dark brown/purple siltstone which is composed of ~50% siltstone rip-up clasts; irregular bedding and flame structures; late thin calcite veining with green stain halos Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 28.8 30.6 tbd fgr SID 1 4 LT GRN GRY Thin interbeds of medium green to dark grey/green siltstones; and white to grey dolomitic fine sandstones; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; ripple lamination and channel deposits; minor late up to 1cm calcite veins with entrained brecciated clasts Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 30.6 32.9 alg cgr kbd SDM 1 4 MD GRY Coarse-grained and medium-bedded bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals; stylolites; possible hydrothermal zones of calcite blades and calcite open-space fill; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 32.9 34.7 tbd fgr SID 1 4 LT GRN GRY Thin interbeds of medium green to dark grey/green siltstones; and white to grey dolomitic fine sandstones; irregular bedding; cross-bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; ripple lamination; channel deposits and cross-bedding; occasional dissolution breccia zones; minor late thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 34.7 36.6 hyd cgr sty SDM 1 4 MD GRY Thin to medium bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone; with the algal mat texture largely destroyed/breccaited by hydrothermal calcite blades and crystals and calcite open-space-fill; abundant stylolites; minor late thin calcite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 36.6 38 tbd fgr SID 1 4 LT GRN GRY Thin interbeds of medium green siltstones; and white to grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; ripple lamination and channel deposits; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 38 39 alg cgr sil SDM 1 4 MD GRY Thin to medium bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals and fracture fill and common stylolites; zones of fragmented bioherms with some brown/tan chertified fragments Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 39 43.1 tbd fgr sil SID 1 4 MD GRN GRY Interbeds of dark grey/green siltstones; and white to grey fine dolomitic siltstone; thin bedded and unsilicified becoming medium-bedded and silicified toward lower contact; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; and ripple lamination; occasional stylolites and pressure disolution breccias; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 43.1 46.4 alg cgr sil SDM 1 4 MD GRY CRM Silicified coarse-grained and medium-bedded fragmented-bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals replaced by haematite and/or siderite that are typically concentrated in veins; common stylolites and pressure dissolution breccia zones; minor hydrothermal zones of calcite blades and calcite open-space fill; minor late thin clacite + hematite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 46.4 53.1 tbd fgr SID 1 4 MD GRY KHA Thin interbeds of medium green to dark grey/khaki siltstones; and white to grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; and ripple lamination; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins; occasional zones of flat-pebble conglomerate (example at 52.7m); minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 53.1 54.4 alg cgr sil SDM 1 4 MD GRY Thin to medium bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals and fracture fill and common stylolites; minor hydrothermal calcite blades and open-space-fill and minor brown/tan chertified sections Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 54.4 57.3 tbd frg SID 1 4 MD GRN GRY Thin interbeds of medium green to dark grey/green coarse siltstones; and white to grey fine dolomitic siltstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; and ripple lamination; occasional zones of flat-pebble conglomerate typically composed of 1cmX<5cm khaki dolomitic sandstone clasts flattened parallel to bedding supported by a coarse-grained mottled black and khaki dolomitic matrix (example at 57m) Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 57.3 60 alg sil tbd SDM 1 4 MD GRY CRM Silicified wavy thin-bedded grey/cream coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomite with common stylolites Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 60 63.3 alg mgr lam SDM 1 4 DK GRY BRN Planar thin matted/laminated medium-grained bioherm and mat stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with common stylolites; occasional cacite open-space-fill; minor late thin calcite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 63.3 66.3 alg cgr sil SDM 1 4 MD GRY CRM Silicified thin to medium-bedded coarse-grained partially-fragmented-bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with common stylolites; zones of flat-pebble conglomerates; zones of very coarse quartz sand + siltstone rip-up clast storm surge deposits and zones of hydrothermal calcite blades and calcite open-space-fill; minor late thin calcite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 66.3 68 tbd fgr SID 1 4 LT GRN Thin interbeds of medium green and dark grey/green coarse siltstones; and lesser cream/grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; and ripple lamination; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 68 69.2 alg cgr sil SDM 1 4 LT GRY TAN Thin to medium-bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades: common stylolites and pressure disolution breccia zones; minor late faulting and thin calcite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 69.2 71 tbd fgr SID 1 4 MD GRY GRN Thin interbeds of green and dark grey/green siltstone; and pale grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; and ripple lamination; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 71 73 alg cgr sil SDM 1 4 MD GRY TAN Silicified thin-bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and common stylolites; minor late thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 73 74.1 tbd fgr SID 1 4 DK GRY KHA Thin interbeds of dark grey/khaki coarse siltstone; and grey fine dolomitic siltstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; and ripple lamination; minor late faulting and calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 74.1 77.7 hyd sil pyr SDM 1 4 MD GRY TAN Silicified thin to medium bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomite with after-gypsum blades and common stylolites; a central zone of hydrothermal calcite blades and clacite open-space-fill which is pyritic Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 77.7 78.6 tbd fgr SID 1 4 LT GRN CRM Thin interbeds of medium green siltstones; and white to pale grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; ripple lamination and channel deposits Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 78.6 79.2 tbd fgr SSL 1 4 DK BRN PPL Fine to medium bedded; fine-grained dark brown/purple siltstone which is composed of ~50% siltstone rip-up clasts; irregular bedding and flame structures; lesser white dolomitic siltstone thin interbeds; minor late thin calcite veins with green or brown stain halos Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 79.2 82.7 tbd fgr SID 1 4 DK GRY GRN Thin interbeds of medium green to dark grey/green siltstone; and grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits and ripple lamination; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 82.7 85 hyd cgr sil SDM 1 4 MD GRY TAN Silicified thin to medium-bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomite with after-gypsum blades and crystals and fracture fill; common stylolites and pressure disolution breccia zones; lesser zone of hydrothermal calcite blades and calcite-open-space-fill with very minor pyrite toward the centre of the interval; minor late faulting and thin calcite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 85 92.5 tbd fgr SID 1 4 MD GRY KHA Thin interbeds of khaki green and dark grey/khaki siltstones; and white to grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and soft-sediment-deformation; occasional zones of flat-pebble conglomerate Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 92.5 93.6 qtz kbd SSD 1 4 MD GRY PNK Medium-bedded very coarse-grained ounded quartz sand dolomitic sandstone with siltstone rip-up clasts; minor zones of stylolites amd hydrothermal calcite blades Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 93.6 94.4 tbd fgr SID 1 4 MD GRY KHA Thin interbeds of dark grey/khaki siltstone; and grey dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits and ripple lamination; occasional stylolites; minor late faulting and calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 94.4 95.5 alg cgr kbd SDM 1 4 MD GRY TAN Thin to medium bedded coarse-grained largely-fragmented-bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with common stylolites and pressure disolution breccia zones Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 95.5 97.1 tbd fgr SID 1 4 MD KHA GRY Thin interbeds of dark grey/khaki siltstone and pale khaki/cream dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and cross-bedding; minor late thin calcite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 97.1 99.7 hyd cgr sil SDM 1 4 MD GRY TAN Thin to medium-bedded coarse-grained bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with common stylolites; a central hydrothermal zone of calcite blades and calcite open-space-fill; minor late <1cm calcite veining with rare chalcopyrite blebs Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 99.7 108.9 tbd fgr SID 1 4 MD KHA GRY Heterogenous; but mainly thin interbeds of medium green and dark grey/khaki siltstone; and pale khaki/cream dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and cross-bedding; minor pyrite fracture coating; zones of flat pebble conglomerates; zones of very coarse rounded quartz sand and siltstone rip-up clast storm surge deposits (example 105.6m); zones of medium-bedded silicified dolomitic fine siltstone with some evidence of stromatolitic texture (?) (example 106.5m); minor late faulting and thin calcite veining Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 108.9 109.8 alg tbd SDM 1 4 MD GRY TAN Thin to medium bedded bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and crystals (concentrated at fractures) and common stylolites; minor late thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 109.8 110.8 tbd SID 1 4 DK GRY Thin interbeds of dark grey fine siltstone and pale grey dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and cross-bedding; occasional late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 110.8 111.5 sil tbd STD 1 5 MD BRN KHA Planar thin to medium bedded medium brown/tan silicified dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 111.5 113.3 cgr hyd sty SDM 1 5 MD GRY TAN Silicified hydrothermal zone of calcite blades and calcite open-space-fill with common stylolites; has obliterated bioherm stromatolitic texture; after-gypsum blades toward contacts Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 113.3 117.7 fgr sil SID 1 5 DK GRY KHA Interbedded dark grey/khaki fine siltstone and pale khaki/gry dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and flat-pebble conglomerates; medium-bedded; silicified toward contacts and thin-bedded; unsilicified toward centre; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 117.7 119.5 alg tbd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY TAN Silicified thin-interbedded fine siltstone-coarser dolomitic siltstone; with zones that are bioherm stromatolitic dolomitic sandstone with after-gypsum blades and stylolites; and minor hydrothermal zones where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; stylolites and calcite open-space filling Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 119.5 122.8 sil SID 1 5 DK GRY KHA Interbeds of dark grey fine siltstone and pale grey/khaki dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone; medium bedded and silicified toward contacts and thin-bedded unsilicified away from contacts; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and flat-pebble conglomerates; occasional stylolites and dissolution breccias; occasional late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 122.8 124.4 hyd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites; calcite open-space filling; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 124.4 130.3 fgr SID 1 4 DK GRY KHA Thin to medium interbeds of dark grey fine siltstone and pale grey/khaki dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and flat-pebble conglomerates; rare stylolites and dissolution breccias; occasional late faulting and up to 1cm calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 130.3 132.4 hyd sil chd SDM 1 5 MD GRY Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; stylolites and calcite open-space filling; minor brown chertified/decalcified component; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 132.4 139.2 tbd SID 1 4 DK GRY Thin interbeds of dark grey fine siltstone and pale grey/khaki dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and soft-sediment-deformation; rare stylolites and dissolution breccias; occasional late faulting and up to 1cm calcite veins; minor silicification toward contacts Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 139.2 142.5 hyd sil chd SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; stylolites and calcite open-space filling; minor brown chertified/decalcified component; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmea CGI D MBXDD002 142.5 145.9 tbd lam cbn SID 1 4 DK GRY GRN Thin interbeds/laminae of grey and green siltstone (starting to become carbonaceous; evident mostly at fractures) and lesser pale grey/khaki dolomitic fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits and ripple lamination; occasional late faulting and thin calcite veins; minor pyrite whisps in the greener siltstone; minor silicification toward contacts Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 145.9 147.6 hyd sil chd SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and calcite open-space filling; brown/tan chert component; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 147.6 151.9 tbd lam cbn SID 1 4 DK GRY GRN Thin interbeds/laminae of dark grey to dark green fine siltstone (starting to become carbonaceous; evident mostly at fractures) and lesser pale grey/khaki dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and soft-sediment-deformation; occasional late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 151.9 152.3 hyd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and calcite open-space filling Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 152.3 157.3 tbd lam cbn SID 1 4 DK GRY GRN Interbeds of dark grey to dark green fine siltstone (starting to become carbonaceous; evident mostly at fractures) and lesser pale grey/khaki dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone; unsilicified and thin-bedded/laminated becoming silicified and medium-bedded toward lower contact; irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and soft-sediment-deformation; stylolites; minor late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 157.3 158.3 hyd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and minor open-space filling; minor pyrite fracture coating Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 158.3 163.7 tbd lam cbn SID 1 4 DK GRY Interbeds of dark grey fine siltstone to carbonaceous black shale and lesser pale grey/khaki dolomitic siltstone to fine sandstone; planar and irregular bedding; flame structures; scouring; rip-up clasts; channel deposits; ripple lamination and soft-sediment-deformation; zones of biohermal stromatolitic dolomitic siltstone (example 161.3m) with minor hydrothermal influence; occasional late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 163.7 164.9 hyd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been partially destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and minor open-space filling Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 164.9 168 tbd lam cbn SID 1 4 DK GRY Interbeds of dark grey fine siltstone to carbonaceous black shale and lesser pale grey/khaki dolomitic fine sandstone; planar and irregular bedding; scouring; rip-up clasts; ripple lamination and soft-sediment-deformation; occasional late faulting and thin calcite veins Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 168 168.5 hyd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and minor open-space filling Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 168.5 171.3 cbn bxd tbd SSH 1 4 DK BLK Black-shale-matrix-supported breccia with poorly sorted subangular silicified dolomitic siltstone clasts (these occasionally have a hydrothermal calcite blades and calcite open-space-fill component- stromatolitic dolomite source?); zones of re-compacted massive shale and zones of thin interbedded dolomite/shale; minor late thin calcite veins Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 171.3 172.5 hyd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and minor open-space filling Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 172.5 176.7 cbn bxd SSH 1 4 DK BLK Black-shale-matrix-supported breccia with poorly sorted subangular silicified dolomitic siltstone clasts; zones of re-compacted massive shale and zones of thin interbedded dolomite/shale; minor late thin calcite veins Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 176.7 177.9 hyd sil chd SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and minor open-space filling; occasional brown/tan chert component Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 177.9 180.8 tbd lam cbn SSH 1 4 DK BLK Interbeds/laminae of carbonaceous black shale and lesser pale grey/khaki dolomitic fine sandstone; planar and irregular bedding; minor scouring and rip-up clasts; ripple lamination Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 180.8 183 hyd sil SDM 1 5 MD GRY WHT Silicified hydrothermal zone where biohermal agal mat texture has been largely destroyed/brecciated replaced by coarse calcite blades and crystals; abundant stylolites and minor open-space filling; shearing at lower contact Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 183 184 tbd lam cbn SSH 1 4 DK BLK Interbeds/laminae of carbonaceous black shale and lesser pale grey/khaki dolomitic fine sandstone; planar and irregular bedding; minor scouring and rip-up clasts; ripple lamination Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 184 216.8 shr cbn SSH 1 3 DK BLK Wide shear zone composed mainly of shear gauge and intensely fractured black shale; zones of black-shale-matrix-supported breccia with dolomitic siltstone clasts; zones of silicified hydrothermal calcite blades and calcite open-space-fill (after bioherm stromatolitic dolomite); and zones of re-compacted black shale; minor thin calcite veining Pmf CGI D MBXDD002 216.8 236.3 shr sil stk STD 1 5 MD TAN WHT Downhole continuation of wide shear zone composed of shaley shear gauge zones occasionally with subangular dolomite clasts; and very strongly silicified/decalcified tan/orange/pink dolomitic fine to medium sandstone with intense quartz stockwork veining; some of the gauge is chloritised; rare chalcopyrite in the quartz stockwork veins Pmi CGI D MBXDD002 236.3 294.6 sil stk mgr STD 1 5 MD GRY TAN Strongly silicified/decalcified grey/tan/brown/pink dolomitic fine to medium-grained sandstone (relict stylolites and possible stromatolitic bioherms) with quartz stockwork veins lessening in intensity away from the shear zone Pmi CGI EOF