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Title: EL 28170 Tobermorey Annual report 5 April 2014 to 4 April 2015
Title Holder / Company: Krucible Metals
Report id: CR2015-0220
Tenure: EL28170
Year: 2015
Author: Humphries, B
Abstract: Krucible has completed surface geochemical programmes on the EL since grant in 2011. During reporting period Krucible exploration has focused on the Elstone prospect and has included an aeromagnetic-radiometric survey including processing and modelling, 12 RC percussion drill holes and geochemical sampling programmes. Krucible subsequently determined the geochemical samples collected were in a non-prospective environment and the samples were not assayed by a laboratory. Krucible analysed 16 samples from hole 14TYRC-8 selected from logged copper mineralised intersections. These samples were sent to ALS in Townsville and analysed by methods Au-AA22 for gold and ME-MS41 for the full suite of elements. The maximum intersection in hole 14TYRC-8 was 3m at 0.1 percent copper from 61m logged as quartz veining in a shale unit. Krucible has determined there are no prospective indications of mineralisation from the drilling and no further analysis on the drill holes is planned.
Date Added: 16-Jul-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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