H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 13-Apr-15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 4-Apr-15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL 28170 H0101 Tenement_holder Krucible Metals Ltd H0102 Project_name Tobermorey EL28170 H0106 Tenement_operator Krucible Metals Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF5316 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6451 6450 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 5-Apr-14 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 4-Apr-15 H0202 Data_format SG4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 63 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 13-Apr-15 H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File EL28170_2015_A_04_Appendix 3 H0500 Feature_located Surface Sample H0501 Geodetic_datum WGS84 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Australian Map Grid (AGD) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company H0538 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0539 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0600 Sample_Code outcrop Suboutcrop/lags lags scree H0601 Sample_Type H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_Prep_Code N/A H0701 Sample_Prep_Desc N/A H0702 Job_no N/A H0800 Assay_code N/A H0801 Assay_company N/A H0802 Assay_description N/A H0900 Remarks H1000 Sample ID Easting Northing Sample Type m_RL Description H1001 NA metres metres NA metres NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ADCx32 794970 7421839 outcrop 195 Near Drill hole 14TYRC-8. Qtz breccia with stockwork specular Hematite veins. D ADCx33 794800 7422272 outcrop 194 Near drill hole 14TYRC-12. Silicious sandstone with quartz veining. MnOx D ADCx34 794654 7422351 outcrop 194 Quartz breccia Vugs leached Fe Rich fluid replacing rock matrix? - weathering effect? D ADCx35 800138 7415696 Suboutcrop/lags 183 "Quartzite with some brecciation. Quartz veining FeOx in fractures and vugs, pyrite?" D ADCx36 800276 7416472 lags 195 "Quartz vein mylonised quartz, tourmaline, Lim, FeMnOx" D ADCx37 806634 7422953 outcrop Quartz vein barren (NT border). B. Green-grey sub-outcrop? Quartz CaCO3?? with FeOx weathering D ADCx38 806327 7423119 scree "Quartz vein - white barren. MnOx + FeOx few vugs ""teeth' intergrowths (slow xtylisation)" D ADCx39 792517 7425532 scree 192 "East side of ridge B/N holes 12 and 8. white, gy, re hematite altered Quartz with minor sericite disseminated fresh pyrite micro 'stockwork'veins-fracture fill of FeOx + MnOx. Rock chip Qtz conglom rounded grains with limonite CaCo3 matrix" D ADCx40 801645 7406924 scree 174 "Qtz breccia vuggy hematite fluid fill after magnetite? Specular hematite, occasional disseminated pyrite. MnOx" D ADCx41 801676 7407275 scree 174 Similar to ADC 40. Qtz Bx Fe clasts/fluid influx rare possible pyrite. MnOx D ADCx42 801950 7404700 lags 171 QV minor Bx'n (surface fracture?) with stockwork FeOx/MnOx micro fractures. Gossanous like weathered surface. Some vugs. CaCo3 clasts D ADCx43 802862 7403374 lags 176 "Gy, re, wh Qtz, CaCO3 clasts. Some vugs + minor micro Fe fractures 2nd phase of veining-micro Q? Limonite minor disseminated sulphide-pyrite" D ADCx44 801488 7406876 lags 162 QV wh with Fe clsts (OSF vug fill?) hematite + magnetite. Trace pyrity in Fe zones D ADCx45 801500 7406700 lags bens find. QV with strong magnetite fine grained fluid infill. Disseminated Pyrite in Qtz and Fe zones D ADCx46 800974 7408219 lags 162 "Qtz Bx Fest Matrix, FeMnOx +< 50mm wide, in shale" D ADCx47 801598 7406720 lags 165 "Conglomerate, purple Fe suggary texture matrix. Clasts chaledonic Q, Qtz. Rounded" D ADCx48 801431 7407087 lags 167 "QV vuggy white, chalcedonic? Minor FeOx/MnOx. SST - massive gy/wh ""suggary""coarse grained silicious minor CaCO3 + FeOx" D ADCx49 801466 7406950 lags 167 "Banded Fest finegrained CO3 grains. Limonite specular hematite, Margins to veins?" D ADCx50 800611 7407873 lags 167 "SR-SA Qite gy, Purp coarse grained Fe, Mn. - Fest heavy Dkgy MnOx?. - Chalcedonic Qtz FeOx. Sulphides?" D ADCx51 801492 7406903 lags "SA-A Qtz Bx with hematite, magnetite matrix moderate weathering - some limonite development. Pyrite?" D ADCx52 801594 7406900 Suboutcrop/lags "QV with vuggs intergrowth with Dg Gy metallic Fe phase hematite parts magnetic. Flaky - Bismuith? strike mgt veins (<=10mm wide) 120 degrees mag. QV strike - 30 degrees, all - 90 degrees dip" D ADCx53 794794 7413550 Suboutcrop/lags 171 "QBx with Fe ""Suggary""matrix. Matrix dominated limonite + hematite + MnOx" D ADCx54 794630 7413785 outcrop 168 "QV Bx. Qtz dominated with Fe fracture fill. Numerous vugs. Hemative, limonite. CaCO3 pyrite?" D ADCx55 795260 7413582 Suboutcrop/lags 173 "QV bx with Fe Matrix vugs hematite, limonite MnOx trace Py" D ADCx56 795321 7413575 Suboutcrop/lags 173 "QV Bx with Fe Matrix . FeOx micro fractures. Vugs, hematite, limonite, MnOx" D ADCx57 795377 7413361 outcrop 173 "QV Bx with Fe matrix clast dominated. Massive sulphide (pyrite) associated with fractures. Matrix medium grained non mag (weathered?) hematite, limonite" D ADCx58 795392 7413352 scree "at 14TYRC - 09. SA QV with Fe rich fracture fill matrix. Some vugs limonite, hematite. Semi-massive sulphide in matrix Pyrite, chalco? Mal.galena? FeMnOx" D ADCx59 795399 7413346 Suboutcrop/lags 173 at 14TYRC - 09 SA up to 0.3m QBx with Fe matrix/fracture fill vuggy limonite + hematite. Disseminated Py in Fe matrix + trace galena? D ADCx60 795421 7413333 scree 173 50m SE of 14TYRC - 09. SA-SR 0.3m QBx with Fe matrix/fracture fill. Dre/maroon (Gossanous?) disseminated Py? D ADCx61 792454 7425669 outcrop 192 5km N of bore Qtz ridge. Qv and QVBx with Fe-hematite bands. Disseminated pyrite occassional micro fracture. Rare vugs and clasts of counrty rock (CaCO3). Strike 148/-63NE slickenslides with plunge 26NW. Dextral fault D ADCx62 805065 7423450 alv suboutcrop? 208 "Shale outcrop S on ridge. 090/V pegmatitic??coarse XTYLS. Q, Mn, Cu, Musc, Fe" D ADCx63 805072 7423537 suboutcrop Gy Qite with FeOx chancedonic in zones. Rare black weathered mica (Clayish/soft) hematite D ADCx64 804480 7426190 dropstone "dropstone rounded coarse grained - out of conglomerate. Q, Feld, CHL, Py? CaCO3 clasts" D ADCx65 804303 7424558 dropstone "dropstone from conglomerate outcrop. Well rounded weathered CaCO3 CHL?, Q, FELD Mn coarse xtyles" D ADCx66 794609 7414046 suboutcrop 169 "NOT PRESENT IN BAG. QV, BX sc. Ang blocks, vugs, FeMnOx, boxworks strike 114" D ADCx67 794559 7414051 suboutcrop 172 "=/< 0.2m Fest, QBx, Qite (brn). Vuggy weakly magnetic, hematite, limonite. Fine grained" D ADCx68 795011 7413629 outcrop 175 QV - barren large crystals (comb/teeth). Vuggy with Fe vug fill (limonite). OC of silicified sdst and shooted QVs; also angled larger QVs. Sdst strike 110. D ADCx69 794581 7413599 suboutcrop 179 "Near 14TYRC-11. Qite with abundant QV. Vugs, limonite, MnOx Fe fractures in QVs" D ADCx70 795501 7413255 Suboutcrop/lags 178 "150m SE of 14TYRC - 09, 10. QBx with bk Fe matrix. Fest development. MnOx" D ADCx71 795514 7413244 scree 178 "150m SE of 14TYRC - 09, 10. Qtz with numerous Fe micro-fractures. Rare disseminated Py with Fe fractures. MtOx" D ADCx72 792491 7425577 outcrop 203 5km N of bore Qtz ridge. Qtz some vugs multiple phase Q veining peroid + CaCo3 clasts cut by QV D ADCx73 794700 7413800 lags 250m N of 14TYRC - 11. Ang Fest + QV. Massive Fest - fine grain QV some vugs. Fe (limonite)fractures D ADCx74 790607 7414817 lags 165 "2km SW of rainmaker hill. =/< 0.25m QV, Fest and Qite. Fest-massive fine dark. Qite - gy fine grained MnOx CaCO3. QV - large crystals, vugs Fe fill. (Teeth). strike - 20 degees lineation of Qtz with veins on - 90 degrees? Low eroded base of mesa? (weathered Qtz Sdst, Qtzt) Also qtz mylorite lags with vugs, FeOx. Fault zone" D ADCx75 792510 7414061 outcrop 172 "1km south of rainmaker hill. QV vugs large crystals Fe (limonite, hematite) fractures micro-macro. MnOx. Slickenslides U-north/D-south" D ADCx76 800727 7414452 lags/outcrop 174 "Near 14TYRC - 04. =/<0.2m Ang Qtz speckled (disseminated hematite after pyrite) massive with some disseminated py visible, vugs, Qtz outcrop nearby" D ADCx77 800361 7414861 outcrop 183 Near 14TYRC - 04.1x3m Qite brecciated with FeMnOx matrix and micro fractures. Strike 143/-77NE. Nearby outcrop similar. D ADCx78 800167 7415562 Suboutcrop/lags 180 "Ang =/<0.25m QBx + Fest. Fest - massive Dre, some vugs. QBx - Fe matrix + Fe Micro-fractures, hematite" D 1 GL 793896 7414157 "20 m long, 1 quartz veins and 2 iron rich veins" D 2 GL 794364 7413897 "3 m large, Quartzite with manganese and mm quartz veins" D 3 GL 794370 7413920 "Approx 3 m, Quartz with Fe Stain, Gossaneous" D 4 GL 794364 7413898 "6 m large, Quartzite with manganese and mm quartz veins" D 5 GL 794420 7413906 "6 m large, Quartzite with manganese,mm quartz veins + Fe Stain, N 56-80W" D 6 GL 794637 7413221 "5 m long, Drop stone, 2 type of rock high fractured on a NW-SE direction. The first rock : grey quartzite and the second rock is Ox brown quartzite" D 7 GL 794601 7413306 "Approx 50 cm OC, Grey quartzite, high fractured N118" D 8 GL 795001 7413640 "Approx 10 m long, grey quartzite with a lot of mm quartz veins, WNW – ESE orientation, weak Fe Stain" D 9 GL 795100 7413076 "Several small O/C approx. 1 m large, Dark red quartzite, yellow chert with quartzite clasts" D 10 GL 795164 7413077 "Several O/C on a NW-SW orientation (100m), Iron rich, Quartzite" D 11 GL 804832 7425590 "Light grey quartzite with cm clast. N100 Orientation; 20 m long and 5 m larg, Quartz veins between 5mm and 2 cm" D 12 GL 804762 7425578 "10 m long and large, Light brown SST/Shale with mm clast. Quartz rich zone with no min. Several O/C as this one 10 m and on the next 100m on a NW-SE direction" D 13 GL 804753 7425548 "2 Massive quartz veins, approx. 80 cm large, no mineralisation, N100 orientation. Lot of drop stone on this zone" D 14 GL 804271 7425210 "Drop stone, brown quartzite iron rich with cm quartz veins" D 15 GL 802439 7406728 "Mass quartz veins, 10 m lond and 5 m large, N20 orientation" D 16 GL 805009 7423792 "Chert-conglo Quartzite, 5 m long, 5 layers of 30 large." EOF