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Title: EL 28170 Tobermorey Annual report for period ending 31 March 2013
Title Holder / Company: Krucible Metals
Report id: CR2013-0374
Tenure: EL28170
Year: 2013
Author: Humphries, B
Abstract: During this reporting period Krucible has completed the planning stage of a reconnaissance exploration program. This involves desktop interpretation of geophysical geological datasets to determine the areas of interest. The program has been designed to test 3 main areas for mineralisation involving reconnaissance work and gridded lag sampling. Future exploration may include further infill or extension sampling on these areas or new areas discovered from the trip. Geophysical surveys maybe completed over certain prospects to aid in defining targets. Krucible has developed effective geochemical methods to explore for IOCG mineralisation in areas of thin sand cover over basement. This methodology combined with magnetic, gravity and electromagnetic information will be utilised to define drill targets. It is recommended this EL be retained 100 percent to complete the proposed exploration.
Date Added: 26-Jun-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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