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Title: Geophysics and drilling collaboration, Final report for Mount Sandford Project EL 25728 and EL 27934 September 2013 to January 2014
Title Holder / Company: Anglo Australian Resources
MMG Exploration
Report id: CR2014-0023
Tenure: EL25728;  EL27934
Year: 2014
Author: Gianfriddo, C
Cornish, D
McGilvray, CT
Abstract: This report was compiled by MMG Australia Pty Ltd (MMG) as a requirement of the NTGS Geophysics and Drilling Collaboration program, through which MMG was awarded funding for the drilling program detailed in the following sections (funding awarded in Round 6, 2013-2014). The exploration target is a large sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag system within the Birrindudu Basin. While no known deposits have yet been identified in the basin, it has strong similarities in terms of age, sedimentary package, major structures and tectonic setting with other basins in the Carpentaria Zinc Belt of northern Australia that host multiple large-scale zinc deposits. The Mount Sanford project area is a roughly coincident linear gravity and AEM feature trending along the strike of the major NW-trending Pear Tree Fault. The feature is interpreted as a potential shale sub-basin. It is obscured by geochemically opaque Neoproterozoic sandstone and Cambrian volcanics. In September 2013 MMG drill tested the target, with two diamond core drillholes (MSFDD001 and MSFDD002) drilled for a total of 1006.4m. After 100m of cover the holes intersected undeformed sediments composed of alternating 50-100m intervals of sandstones and siltstones interpreted to be of the Mesoproterozoic-Paleoproterozoic Tijunna and upper Bullita Groups. Only minor, poorly developed and unmineralised shale was observed.
Date Added: 18-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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