H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 3/02/2014 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 5/02/2014 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL25728 EL27934 H0101 Tenement_holder Anglo Australia Resources NL H0102 Project_name Mt Sanford H0106 Tenement_Operator MMG Exploration Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5207 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 4963 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 1/09/2013 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31/01/2014 H0202 Template_format DS4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 92 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 6/02/2014 H0300 Filetype EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_04_DownholeGeology.txt H0301 Surface_location_data_file EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_02_DrillCollars.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_05_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_03_DownholeSurveys.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_09_LithCodes.txt H0308 File verification list EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_10_FileVerification.txt H0316 Recovery_data_file EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_07_RecoveryData.txt H0318 QAQC_data_file EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_06_QAQCGeochem.txt H0319 Structure_data_file EL25728_EL27934_2014_C_08_Structure.txt H0400 Drill_code DIA RC H0402 Description Diamond Coring Reverse Circulation H1000 Hole_id DEPTH_FROM DEPTH_TO Lith_Qualifier Lith_Qualifier2 Lith_Qualifier3 Lithology Weathering Hardness ColourShade Colour1 Colour2 Comments Stratigraphy LoggedBy H1001 Units metres metres H1004 Accuracy 0.1 0.1 D MSFDD001 0 0.2 CLA 5 0 DK GRY Clay soil with 5-10% gravel; after basalt Q CGI D MSFDD001 0.2 2.8 sil wmd VBS 3 3 MD GRY RED Basalt partially weathered to clay- competent core shows ~1-2mm black to green mafic crystals and white plagioclase laths in a red/bown fine groundmass; is moderately silicified; rare planar quartz-carbonate veins (<1cm thick) and quartz-carbonate fracture coating Ela CGI D MSFDD001 2.8 15.8 sil phy VBS 0 5 DK GRY GRY Moderately silicified basalt composed of ~1-2mm black to green mafic crystals and white plagioclase laths in a red/bown fine groundmass; occasional 10-15cm layers of olivine-phyric basalt (example at 10.8m) composed of a red groundmass; abundant <2cm subhedral olivine (often replaced by carbonate + chlorite) phenocrysts and white plagioclase laths; occasional <2cm planar vuggy quartz-carbonate veins often with chlorite infill; occasional chlorite fracture coating Ela CGI D MSFDD001 15.8 34 VBS 0 4 DK GRY GRY Basalt composed of ~1-2mm black to green mafic crystals and white plagioclase laths in a red/bown fine groundmass which becomes less red-oxidised moving downhole; occasional strong red-oxidised patches and fracture halos; occasional chlorite fracture coating; olivine-phyric layers of overlying interval absent Ela CGI D MSFDD001 34 35.5 cal VBS 0 4 DK GRY RED Basalt composed of ~1-2mm black to green mafic crystals and white plagioclase laths in a red/bown fine groundmass; acid response indicates a carbonate cement Ela CGI D MSFDD001 35.5 38.9 amy qch wmd VBS 3 1 MD BRN PPL Weathered (often to dark brown clay) friable quenched amygdaloidal basalt of soft mottled maroon/black fine groundmass (no acid reaction) with abundant carbonate + chlorite infilled typically ~5mm rounded amygdaloids; ~5mm thick carbonate veins and fracture coatings (chlorite often rims/ is replacing carbonate and carbonate infill decreases downhole) Ela CGI D MSFDD001 38.9 45.8 qtz cgr xbd SST 1 3 LT CRM Moderately bleached porous friable cream quartz coarse arenite + minor carbonate cement (slight acid reaction)- some of the interval is Fe-stained purple/brown; intermittant generally diffuse thin bedding/ cross-bedding Paj CGI D MSFDD001 45.8 46.7 qtz fgr bl SST 1 3 LT CRM Bleached white and red Fe-stained fine-grained arenite; diffuse thin-bedding/cross-bedding to lamination Paj CGI D MSFDD001 46.7 53.8 qtz cgr xbd SST 1 3 MO PPL CRM Slightly bleached friable porous quartz coarse-grained arenite + minor carbonate cement (slight acid reaction)- includes a cream clean quartz component and a purple/brown Fe-stain component with common cream quartz coarse sand rounded nodules typically ~5-10mm (interpreted to be after-calcareous-sand nodules; i.e. carbonate buffered nodules from Fe-staining)- nodules can be rimed and diffuse-edged; some nodules are more angular and may represent multiple-source sands; intermittant generally diffuse thin bedding/ cross-bedding Paj CGI D MSFDD001 53.8 61.3 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 MD PPL BRN Friable porous quartz coarse-grained arenite + minor calcareous cement (slight acid reaction)- includes a cream clean quartz component and a purple/brown Fe-stain component with abundant <5mm cream quartz coarse sand rounded nodules (interpreted to be after-calcareous-sand nodules; i.e. calcareous buffered nodules from Fe-staining)- nodules can be rimed and diffuse-edged; some nodules are more angular and may represent multiple-source sands; intermittant generally diffuse thin bedding/ cross-bedding to lamination; at 55.5-57.2m there is a conspicuous interval of commonly-wavy dark brown/red ferruginous fine-grained arenite interbeds (5-10mm) associated with ~2cm cross-bedded arenite interbeds Paj CGI D MSFDD001 61.3 63.3 xbd SSL 0 3 DK BRN Massive dark-brown siltstone with common ~2mm rounded clasts of cream and/or green fine sandstone; lesser interbeds typically <10cm of thinly coss-bedded/laminated cream quartz fine sandstone and green siltstone; common soft-sediment-deformation Paj CGI D MSFDD001 63.3 71.4 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 MD PPL BRN Friable porous quartz coarse-grained arenite + minor calcareous cement (slight acid reaction)- mostly purple/brown Fe-stained with abundant <5mm cream quartz sand rounded nodules (interpreted to be after-calcareous-sand nodules; i.e. calcareous buffered nodules from Fe-staining)- nodules can be rimed and diffuse-edged; some nodules are more angular and may represent multiple-source sands; mostly diffusely thin bedded to laminated with abundant cross-bedding; some sections of strongly inter-laminated/cross-laminated coarse quartz arenite and dark-brown siltstone (example 66.2-66.7m) Paj CGI D MSFDD001 71.4 72.9 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 LT PPL GRY Friable porous quartz coarse-grained arenite + minor calcareous cement (slight acid reaction) with abundant subangular <5mm ironstone clasts- some appear bladed and may be crystal growths and abundant diffuse rounded ~5mm nodules of cream coarse quartz sand Paj CGI D MSFDD001 72.9 80.3 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 MO PPL WHT Friable porous quartz coarse-grained arenite + minor calcareous cement (slight acid reaction)- includes a cream/white clean quartz component and a purple/brown Fe-stain component with abundant <5mm cream quartz coarse sand rounded nodules (interpreted to be after-calcareous-sand nodules; i.e. calcareous buffered nodules from Fe-staining)- nodules can be rimed and diffuse-edged; some nodules are more angular and may represent multiple-source sands; thinnly bedded to laminated with common cross-bedding; minor dark-brown and green siltstone beds and green siltstone interlaminae Paj CGI D MSFDD001 80.3 82.1 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 LT BRN PPL Friable porous quartz coarse-grained arenite + minor calcareous cement (slight acid reaction) with abundant subangular <5mm ironstone clasts- some appear bladed and may be crystal growths and abundant diffuse rounded ~5mm nodules of cream coarse quartz sand Paj CGI D MSFDD001 82.1 104.8 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 MO PPL WHT Friable porous quartz coarse-grained arenite + minor calcareous cement (slight acid reaction)- includes a cream/white clean quartz component and a purple/brown Fe-stain component occassionally with ~5mm cream quartz coarse sand rounded nodules; interval is mostly thinly bedded to laminated with common cross-bedding; lesser interbeds of dark brown; white and green siltstones which commonly show irregular wavy and scoured bedding; common siltstone rip-up clasts in arenite; very-coarse grained interval from 90-93m Paj CGI D MSFDD001 104.8 105.1 pos bed pso SCG 0 3 LT GRN CRM Very porous matrix-less poorly-sorted conglomerate of mostly very coarse quartz sand and ~1cm subangular lithic fragments; interbedded with bleached thinly-bedded green and white siltstone Paj CGI D MSFDD001 105.1 116 qtz mgr grd SST 0 4 MD CRM GRY Mostly-brecciated medium-grained cream and lesser grey quartz arenite which is diffuseley thin bedded/cross-bedded where not brecciated. Breccia is mostly clast-supported with poorly-sorted subangular monomictic clasts of cream and/or grey medium quartz arenite fragments in a red/brown fine matrix- interpreted to be of shelf failure origin. In non-brecciated sections there is often gradation to coarse-grained sediment and a knife-edge conatct with the next graded bed (example 11-132.5m) Pct CGI D MSFDD001 116 131.2 qtz mgr grd SST 0 4 MD GRY CRM Mostly-brecciated medium-grained grey and lesser cream quartz arenite which is diffuseley thin bedded/cross-bedded where not brecciated. Breccia is mostly clast-supported with poorly-sorted subangular monomictic clasts of cream and/or grey medium quartz arenite fragments in a red/brown fine matrix- interpreted to be of shelf failure origin. In non-brecciated sections there is often gradation to coarse-grained sediment and a knife-edge conatct with the next graded bed Pct CGI D MSFDD001 131.2 145.7 xbd pit SIS 0 4 MO BRN CRM Medium to thinly interbedded and laminated (in order of abundance); a) cream-spotted-grey or cream medium-grained (sometimes coarse) quartz arenite; b) dark brown siltstone to fine sandstone; c) white/grey slightly-silicified medium to fine sandstone with after-carbonate ~2mm pits (still have acid reaction); and d) minor thin interbeds of pale green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; common crossbedding; irregular; wavy and scoured bedding in siltstones; soft-sediment-deformation and siltstone rip-up clasts Pct CGI D MSFDD001 145.7 163.5 mgr qtz xbd SST 0 4 LT GRY CRM Medium to thinly bedded/cross-bedded cream and cream-spotted-grey medium-grained quartz arenite; minor dark brown siltstone to fine sandstone and minor laminae of green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; common irregular; wavy and scoured bedding in siltstone and siltstone rip-up clasts in arenite Pct CGI D MSFDD001 163.5 169.7 cgr qtz xbd SST 0 4 MD PPL BRN Heterogeneous medium to thinly bedded/cross-bedded cream/grey medium-grained quartz arenite and white-spotted-purple/brown Fe-stained coarse-grained arenite; minor dark brown siltstone to fine sandstone and laminae of green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; irregular; wavy and scoured bedding in siltstone and often-elongated siltstone rip-up clasts in arenite Pct CGI D MSFDD001 169.7 180.7 bed sil pit SSL 0 3 MO BRN CRM Thinly interbedded/cross-bedded to laminated (in order of abundance); a) dark brown siltstone to fine sandstone; b) variably-silicified white fine sandstone with ~2mm after-carbonate pits which still have a slight acid reaction (postscript: throughout this hole and MSFDD002; wider intervals of laminated siltstones- here 169.7-223m- typically have these white silicified pitted fine sandstone beds toward the contacts and white calcareous fine sandstone beds toward the centre suggesting decalcification at the contacts); and c) green reduced/glauconitic siltstone to fine-arenite (increasing downhole); irregular; wavy and scoured bedding and siltstone rip-up clasts. Pco CGI D MSFDD001 180.7 224.3 bed cal SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-100cm somewhat rhythmic intervals of; 1) Massive and occasionally diffusely thin bedded brown occasionally-calcareous fine sandstone with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine sandstone (it is thought that the green/reduced component is an overprint because the nodules are often cream rimmed by green; the green often spreads in an alteration front style and occasionally green occurs as a fracture halo); and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; b. white/grey calcareous fine sandstone; c. silicified/decalcified white fine sandstone with ~2mm carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits (especially toward lower contact; example 201m); d. dark brown siltstone and e. lesser black shale (example 195.5m); bedding/lamination is irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts Pco CGI D MSFDD001 224.3 231.3 cgr qtz bxd SST 0 4 LT CRM Largely brecciated cream medium to coarse-grained quartz arenite which is diffusely laminated when not brecciated; monomictic generally clast-supported breccia composed of poorly-sorted angular clasts of cream quartz coarse-grained arenite in a finer-grained green quartz arenite matrix Pco CGI D MSFDD001 231.3 233.6 xbd SIS 0 4 MO BRN CRM Transitional interval with interbeds of the overlying coarse quartz arenite and the underlying thin interbedded siltstones Pco CGI D MSFDD001 233.6 240 bed dca pit SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-20cm interbeds of 1) Massive and occasionally diffusely thin bedded brown occasionally-calcareous fine sandstone with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine sandstone; and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone to fine sandstone; b. white/grey calcareous fine sandstone which is commonly partially silicified/decalcified with white carbonate ~2mm clasts and/or after-carbonate voids (especially toward upper contact) and occasionally occurs as a cream/orange chert; and c. dark brown siltstone; bedding/lamination is irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts Pco CGI D MSFDD001 240 256.7 bed bxd chd SIH 0 4 MO BLK GRN Largely-brecciated irregularly interbedded-to-interlaminated a) chert with a chalky white colour when only partially silicified/decalcified and a grey/orange colour when fully chertified; b) black shale (around 25% shale makes it the most shale-rich interval in the hole); and c) green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; common siltstone rip-up clasts; irregular and scoured bedding; cross-bedding and soft-sediment-deformation throughout the interval; brecciation is generally-clast-supported with angular fragments typically <2cm; the breccias are locally-monomictic (e.g. sections of shale-only fragments and sections of chert-only fragments) and matrix composition is variable too- including brown silt and white carbonate. The breccias are interpreted to be of slope failure origin. Pco CGI D MSFDD001 256.7 283.8 bed dca pit SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-100cm somewhat rhythmic intervals of; 1) Massive and occasionally diffusely thin bedded brown occasionally-calcareous fine sandstone with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine sandstone (it is thought that the green/reduced component is an overprint because the nodules are often cream rimmed by green; the green often spreads in an alteration front style and occasionally green occurs as a fracture halo); and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; b. white/grey calcareous fine sandstone; c. silicified/decalcified white fine sandstone with ~2mm carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits (especially toward lower contact); d. dark brown siltstone and e. rare black shale; bedding/lamination is irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts; minor sections of brecciation Pco CGI D MSFDD001 283.8 372 mgr qtz xbd SST 0 4 LT CRM WHT Fairly monotonous diffusely thin-bedded/ cross-bedded to laminated cream medium to coarse-grained quartz arenite; rare fracture coat pyrite (example 353.4m); minor intervals of brown and green fine-sandstone/siltstone laminae and beds and siltstone rip-up clasts Pba CGI D MSFDD001 372 381 cgr qtz xbd SST 0 4 MO PPL CRM Intermittently diffusely thin bedded/cross-bedded to laminated cream and Fe-stained purple/brown medium to coarse-grained quartz arenite; fractures commonly have a cream halo and so 'cream' is interpreted to overprint 'purple'; minor brown and green fine-arenite/siltstone wavy laminae and beds; siltstone rip-up clasts Pba CGI D MSFDD001 381 416 bed cal SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-100cm somewhat rhythmic intervals of; 1) Massive and occasionally diffusely thin bedded brown occasionally-calcareous fine sandstone with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine-grained sandstone (it is thought that the green/reduced component is an overprint because the nodules are often cream rimmed by green; the green often spreads in an alteration front style and occasionally green occurs as a fracture halo); and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; b. white/grey calcareous fine sandstone; c. silicified/decalcified white fine sandstone with ~2mm carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits (especially toward upper contact); d. dark brown siltstone and e. rare black shale; bedding/lamination is irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts Pba CGI D MSFDD001 416 426.4 mgr qtz bed SST 0 4 LT CRM GRY Medium-grained quartz arenite of generally cream/orange/pink colour often with a pale green wash; intermittently thin-bedded to laminated; lesser typically dark brown siltstone interbeds; green siltstone laminae and occasional siltstone rip-up clasts in arenite; occasional brecciation; occasional calcite fracture coating Pba CGI D MSFDD001 426.4 429.8 bl mas SSL 0 4 MO GRY BRN Massive siltstone which is green at the margins; then dark brown; then bleached almost-chalky grey with cream overprinting in the center; brown component has common ~2mm apricot spots (postscript: this is equivalent to 388.6-393.2m in MSFDD002) Pba CGI D MSFDD001 429.8 432.7 cgr qtz bed SST 0 4 LT CRM Monotonous cream slightly silicified coarse-grained quartz arenite; intermittent diffuse thin bedding to lamination; rare thin beds and rip-up clasts of green siltstone Pba CGI D MSFDD001 432.7 435.1 xbd fau SIS 0 4 MO CRM BRN Thinly interbedded/cross-bedded to laminated cream slightly silicified medium to coarse -grained quartz arenite interbedded with dark brown siltstone to fine sandstone with lesser green siltstone; irregular; wavy and scoured bedding and siltstone rip-up clasts in arenite beds; minor late faulting Pbw CGI D MSFDD001 435.1 448 mgr qtz bed SST 0 4 LT CRM PNK Heterogeneous (becoming more monotonous cream-coloured toward top of interval) medium-grained quartz arenite of cream/orange/pink colour often with a pale to intense red/brown wash or pale green wash; intermittently medium to thin-bedded/cross-bedded to laminated; minor typically dark brown siltstone component and occasional siltstone rip-up clasts in arenite; zones of late faulting and brecciation- clast-supported breccias typically composed of poorly-sorted monomictic medium-grained quartz arenite clasts within a finer-grained matrix which generally are different-coloured; occasional calcite fracture coating ; slightly silicified (?) Pbw CGI D MSFDD001 448 455.7 xbd fau SIS 0 4 LT CRM PNK Thinly bedded/ cross-bedded to laminated slightly-silicified(?) medium-grained quartz arenite- predominantly cream coloured with minor purple/brown or green wash interbedded with lesser dark brown and green siltstone; common soft-sediment-deformation; minor late faulting Pbw CGI D MSFDD001 455.7 496 mgr qtz bxd SST 0 4 LT CRM GRN Heterogeneous medium-grained quartz arenite of generally cream/orange/pink colour often with a pale to intense red/brown wash or pale green wash; intermittently medium to thin-bedded/cross-bedded to laminated; minor typically dark brown siltstone component; zones of late faulting and brecciation- clast-supported breccias typically composed of poorly-sorted monomictic medium-grained quartz arenite clasts within a finer-grained matrix which generally are different coloured; occasional calcite-crystal lined vuggy fractures; slightly silicified (?); (postscript: at ~468.8-470.2m there is an isolated dark brown siltstone interval which may coorelate to 438-438.3m in MSFDD002) Pbw CGI D MSFDD001 496 500.8 xbd bxd fau SIS 0 4 MD BRN PPL Thinly bedded/ cross-bedded to laminated slightly-silicified(?) medium-grained quartz arenite which is largely brown/purple in colour but often pale cream to green (thin lineations of green often crosscut bedding overprinting brown/purple) interbedded with brown and green siltstone; common late faulting; brecciation at lower contact Pbw CGI D MSFDD001 500.8 504.7 mgr qtz sil SST 0 4 LT CRM GRY Heterogeneous moderately-silicified medium-grained quartz arenite; pale grey/cream colour often with a pale purple or green wash; predominantly thin-bedded/cross-bedded to laminated; clast-supported breccia toward upper contact typically composed of poorly-sorted monomictic silicified purple medium-grained quartz arenite clasts within a lesser-silicifed cream matrix; common breccia-related vuggy calcite-crystal-lined fractures that are occassionally Fe-stained; interbedded with siltstone toward upper contact Pbw CGI D MSFDD002 0 1 CLA 5 0 DK BRN ORA Dark brown clay soil after-basalt with minor grit and occasional bleached basalt and arenite alluvial pebbles (hole adjacent to stream) Q CGI D MSFDD002 1 2.1 cly bl amy VBA 5 1 LT GRY ORA Rubble composed of intensely bleached amygdaloidal basalt with chlorite-infilled amygdaloids (typically ~5mm) and grey and orange intensely clay-weathered matrix Ela CGI D MSFDD002 2.1 7.5 cly bl VBA 5 1 LT GRY Strongly bleached pale grey intensely clay-weathered basalt Ela CGI D MSFDD002 7.5 10.5 cly amy qch VBA 4 1 DK BRN PPL Quenched amygdaloidal basalt of completely-weathered-to-clay maroon groundmass with abundant chlorite-infilled typically ~5mm rounded amygdaloids Ela CGI D MSFDD002 10.5 11.5 pol msp wst BRE 1 3 LT CRM BRN Brecciation at contact between overlying Cambrian basalt and overlying Neoproterozoic arenite; matrix-supported polymictic breccia composed of multiple-source rounded very coarse sand and angular/subangular polymictic fragments (typically 8-30mm) within a matrix of cream quartz medium sand Paj CGI D MSFDD002 11.5 34.9 qtz cgr xbd SST 1 3 LT WHT CRM Bleached friable porous quartz medium/coarse-grained arenite + minor carbonate cement (slight acid reaction); laminated to thin-bedded/cross-bedded; colour is mostly cream/white with sections of silty grey and green inter-laminae and occasional red/purple/brown Fe-stained sections Paj CGI D MSFDD002 34.9 49.7 qtz cgr xbd SST 1 3 MO WHT PPL Moderately-bleached friable porous coarse-grained quartz arenite + minor carbonate cement (slight acid reaction)- includes a cream/white clean quartz component and a purple/brown Fe-stain component with abundant <5mm cream quartz coarse sand rounded nodules (interpreted to be after-calcareous-sand nodules; ie. carbonate buffered nodules from Fe-staining)- nodules can be rimmed and diffuse-edged; laminated to thin-bedded/cross-bedded with common green/brown/grey silty interlaminae and rare siltstone rip-up clasts Paj CGI D MSFDD002 49.7 78.8 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 MO PPL CRM Friable porous coarse-grained quartz arenite + minor carbonate cement (slight acid reaction)- includes a cream/white clean quartz component and a purple/brown Fe-stain component with abundant <5mm cream quartz coarse sand rounded nodules (interpreted to be after-calcareous-sand nodules; ie. carbonate buffered nodules from Fe-staining)- nodules can be rimmed and diffuse-edged; laminated to thin-bedded/cross-bedded with common green/brown/grey silty interlaminae and rare siltstone rip-up clasts Paj CGI D MSFDD002 78.8 80.8 bed spt SSL 0 3 DK BRN Mostly dark brown laminated siltstone- lamination is mostly irregular; wavy and scoured; ~5mm white spots overprint the lamination Paj CGI D MSFDD002 80.8 91.3 qtz cgr xbd SST 0 3 MO PPL WHT Friable porous coarse-grained quartz arenite + minor carbonate cement (slight acid reaction)- includes a cream/white clean quartz component and a purple/brown Fe-stain component with common <5mm cream quartz coarse sand rounded nodules (interpreted to be after-calcareous-sand nodules; ie. carbonate buffered nodules from Fe-staining)- nodules can be rimmed and diffuse-edged; laminated to thin-bedded/cross-bedded with common green/brown/grey silty interlaminae and rare siltstone rip-up clasts Paj CGI D MSFDD002 91.3 92.8 pos bed pso SCG 0 3 LT WHT CRM Thin-bedded very porous largely matrix-less poorly-sorted conglomerate of mostly very coarse quartz sand and ~1cm subangular lithic fragments (mostly siltstone); lesser purple/bown Fe-stained coarse/medium quartz arenite Paj CGI D MSFDD002 92.8 100.9 bed sil pit SSL 0 3 MO BRN CRM Thinly interbedded to interlaminated fine sediments in the following approximate order of abundance: a) moderately silicified/decalcified(?) white/cream fine sandstone commonly with ~2mm white carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits; b) white/cream to grey calcareous fine sandstone; c) medium brown fine sandstone; d) dark brown siltstone; e) rare black shale and f) rare green reduced/glauconitic siltstone to fine sandstone; bedding/lamination is mostly irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts. Pco CGI D MSFDD002 100.9 147.2 bed grd cal SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-100cm somewhat rhythmic intervals of; 1) Massive and occasionally diffusely thin bedded brown occasionally-calcareous fine sandstone with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine sandstone (it is thought that the green/reduced component is an overprint because the nodules are often cream rimmed by green; the green often spreads in an alteration front style and occasionally green occurs as a fracture halo); and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; b. white/grey calcareous fine sandstone; c. silicified/decalcified white fine sandstone with ~2mm carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits (especially toward lower contact); d. lesser dark brown siltstone to black shale. Bedding/lamination is commonly irregular; wavy and scoured with common siltstone rip-up clasts; decalcified/silicified/pitted interbeds of the previous interval are absent (these beds are typically toward contacts) Pco CGI D MSFDD002 147.2 152 sil pit SIS 0 3 MO BRN GRN Transitional interval with interbeds of the underlying coarse quartz arenite and the overlying thin interbedded siltstones; the interbedded siltstone component includes brown siltstone and moderately silicified/decalcified(?) white fine sandstone commonly with ~2mm white carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits Pco CGI D MSFDD002 152 168.7 qtz mgr grd SST 0 4 LT GRY CRM Pale grey/cream medium-grained quartz arenite with some sections that grade to coarser sand then a kinfe-point contact (example 161-163m); intermittent diffuse lamination to thin bedding/cross-bedding; cream colour is generally stratiform but is also observed as a fracture halo and so is interpreted to be an overprint; (postscript: the colour and graded bedding of this interval suggest it may be a less-brecciated equivalent to the 116-131.2m interval in MSFDD001) Pco CGI D MSFDD002 168.7 175.8 bed grd cal SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-100cm somewhat rhythmic intervals of; 1) Massive and occasionally diffusely thin bedded brown occasionally-calcareous fine-grained arenite with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine sandstone (it is thought that the green/reduced component is an overprint because the nodules are often cream rimmed by green; the green often spreads in an alteration front style and occasionally green occurs as a fracture halo); and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; b. white/grey strongly calcareous fine sandstone; c. silicified/decalcified white fine sandstone with ~2mm carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits (especially toward upper contact); d. dark brown siltstone and e. lesser black shale; bedding/lamination is commonly irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts Pco CGI D MSFDD002 175.8 201.4 bed chd SIH 0 4 MO GRN WHT Irregular thinly-interbedded to interlaminated (in order of abundance); a) white calcareous fine sandstone which is often almost chalky siltstone or cream-orange chertified; b) green reduced/glauconitic siltstone/fine sandstone; and c) black and grey shale (~15% shale; most shale-rich interval in the hole); bedding/lamination is mostly irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts; minor faulting and cherty brecciation Pco CGI D MSFDD002 201.4 228.2 bed grd cal SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-100cm somewhat rhythmic intervals of; 1) Massive and occasionally diffusely thin bedded brown occasionally-calcareous fine sandstone with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine sandstone (it is thought that the green/reduced component is an overprint because the nodules are often cream rimmed by green; the green often spreads in an alteration front style and occasionally green occurs as a fracture halo); and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; b. white/grey calcareous fine sandstone; c. dark brown siltstone and d. rare near-black shale; bedding/lamination is irregular; wavy and scoured and with common rip-up clasts; minor brecciation/faulting Pco CGI D MSFDD002 228.2 233.6 bed cal SSL 0 3 MO GRN WHT Irregularly thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a) white calcareous fine sandstone; and b) green reduced/glauconitic siltstone/fine sandstone; bedding/lamination is mostly irregular; wavy and scoured with common rip-up clasts Pco CGI D MSFDD002 233.6 292 qtz mgr xbd SST 0 4 LT CRM GRY Pale cream and grey medium to coarse-grained clean quartz arenite; intermittent diffuse thin bedding/cross-bedding to lamination; rare green siltstone; silicified ~1m at upper contact Pba CGI D MSFDD002 292 324 qtz mgr xbd SST 0 4 LT CRM Pale cream medium to coarse-grained clean quartz arenite; intermittent diffuse thin bedding/cross-bedding to lamination; rare green siltstone; silicified ~1m at upper contact Pba CGI D MSFDD002 324 337.9 qtz mgr xbd SST 0 4 LT CRM GRN Pale cream (with a silty green wash that increases moving downhole) medium to coarse quartz arenite; intermittent diffuse thin bedding/cross-bedding to lamination; minor green siltstone interlaminae/beds and rip-up clasts increasing downhole; silicified ~1m at lower contact Pba CGI D MSFDD002 337.9 378.7 bed grd cal SSL 0 3 MO BRN GRN Normally-graded typically 10-100cm somewhat rhythmic intervals of; 1) Massive (becoming laminated downhole) brown occasionally-calcareous fine sandstone with common 1-3cm rounded nodules of green/cream fine sandstone (it is thought that the green/reduced component is an overprint because the nodules are often cream rimmed by green; the green often spreads in an alteration front style and occasionally green occurs as a fracture halo); and 2) thinly-interbedded to interlaminated a. green reduced/glauconitic siltstone; b. white/grey calcareous fine sandstone; c. silicified/decalcified white fine sandstone with ~2mm carbonate clasts and/or after-carbonate pits (especially toward contacts); d. dark brown siltstone and e. minor near-black shale; bedding/lamination is commonly irregular; wavy and scoured and with common rip-up clasts Pba CGI D MSFDD002 378.7 388.6 qtz mgr bed SST 0 4 MD CRM BRN Pale cream (with an occasional faint silty green or brown wash) medium to coarse-grained quartz arenite; intermittent diffuse thin bedding/cross-bedding to lamination; rare calcite-lined vuggy fractures; rare siltstone rip-up clasts Pba CGI D MSFDD002 388.6 393.2 bl mas SSL 0 4 LT CRM Massive siltstone which is green at the margins then dark brown and bleached almost-chalky cream (overprinting grey?) in the center; brown component has common ~5mm black spots (Mn?) and ~3mm black and/or cream rounded-rimmed green crystals; chalky siltstone is largely broken core; (postscript: might be equivalent to MSFDD001 426.4-429.8m interval) Pba CGI D MSFDD002 393.2 416.8 qtz mgr xbd SST 0 4 MD CRM Heterogeneous pale cream (often with a faint to moderate brown or faint green silty wash) medium to coarse-grained quartz arenite; occasional brown and green siltstone; intermittent diffuse thin bedding/cross-bedding to lamination; occasional calcite-lined vuggy fractures; occasional ~1cm calcareous rounded nodules (example 402.7m) Pba CGI D MSFDD002 416.8 419.9 xbd SIS 0 4 MO BRN CRM Thin bedded/cross-bedded to laminated cream to brown medium-grained quartz arenite with lesser brown and green siltstone interbeds/ laminae Pbw CGI D MSFDD002 419.9 434 qtz mgr bed SST 0 4 MO PPL CRM Heterogeneous thinly interbedded/cross-bedded to laminated cream; purple brown and khaki medium-grained quartz arenite; occasional brown and green siltstone interbeds/laminae; occasional thin <5mm calcite veins and calcite fracture coating Pbw CGI D MSFDD002 434 465.7 qtz mgr bed SST 0 4 LT GRN CRM Heterogeneous thinly interbedded mostly pale khaki green or cream medium (to fine)-grained quartz arenite with minor coarse-grained beds toward the bottom of interval; slight silicification; some red/brown stain overprint often as a halo to fractures; occasional late crystaline intense pyrite as fracture coat; vein/vug infilland ~8mm nodules (examples at 444.2m and 459.7m); minor clast-supported brecciation at the bottom of the interval composed of poorly-sorted red/purple silicified arenite angular clasts in a green medium sand matrix Pbw CGI D MSFDD002 465.7 485 qtz cgr cal SST 0 4 MD CRM BRN Porous-very-coarse-grained and cemented-coarse-grained interbeds of cream/brown quartz arenite which is intermittently calcareous; common thin ~2mm calcite veins and rare calcite-crystal-lined vuggy veins Pbw CGI D MSFDD002 485 498.2 qtz cgr bed SST 0 4 MD BRN GRN Green-brown (and occasionally hematite red-stained) slightly silicified coarse-grained quartz arenite; mostly thin-bedded; common thin ~1mm calcite + red hematite veins (often with red hematite halo) Pbw CGI D MSFDD002 498.2 501.7 qtz cgr pos SST 0 4 MD BRN RED Porous friable very coarse-grained and coarse-grained thin interbeds of brown/red quartz arenite Pbw CGI D MSFWB001 0 3 fgr VBS 3 BLK rounded fragments Ela DDC D MSFWB001 3 6 fgr VBS 3 BLK rounded fragments Ela DDC D MSFWB001 6 9 fgr VBS 3 BLK lt. green clay component Ela DDC D MSFWB001 9 12 fgr VBS 3 BLK Ela DDC D MSFWB001 12 15 fgr VBS 2 MD GRY Ela DDC D MSFWB001 15 18 fgr VBS 2 DK PPL Ela DDC D MSFWB001 18 21 fgr VBS 2 MO BRN GRY Ela DDC D MSFWB001 21 24 fgr VBS 2 DK GRY GRN some red Fe-staining Ela DDC D MSFWB001 24 27 fgr VBS 2 DK GRY GRN 50% of sample is white clay; some Fe oxide Ela DDC D MSFWB001 27 30 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 30 33 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 33 36 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 36 39 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 39 42 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 42 45 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 45 48 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 48 51 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 51 54 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC D MSFWB001 54 60 qtz cgr SST 2 MD RED PPL Coarse-grained quartz arenite with possible slight mica matrix; abundant wht/grn-clay-replaced rounded 2mm spotting Paj DDC EOF