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Title: Combined ninth annual report for EL 23791 and EL 23921 Mount Goyder, period ended 18 December 2012
Title Holder / Company: Rum Jungle Resources
Report id: CR2012-1157
Tenure: EL23791;  EL23921
Year: 2012
Author: Dunster, J
Doyle, N
Abstract: Drilling that had to be postponed from year eight was completed in year nine of tenure. At the historical Anomaly 7 gold prospect on EL 23921, 33 air core holes were drilled for 1166 m. The best results were: 4 m at 0.20 grams per tonne Au from 20-24 m in MGAC023, 4 m at 0.15 grams per tonne Au from 16-20 m in MGAC010, and 4 m at 0.12 grams per tonne Au from 40-44 m in MGAC024. These results downgrade the prospectivity of Anomaly 7 and future work will now focus on the Annaburroo Dome on EL 24468 and EL 25165. There was little on-ground work on the contiguous EL 23791 during the reporting year. Possible geophysical targets were ground-truthed.
Date Added: 25-Mar-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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