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Title: Partial relinquishment report EL 27143 Mountain Creek project
Title Holder / Company: WDR Iron Ore
Report id: CR2011-0846
Tenure: EL27143
Year: 2011
Author: Bennett, A
Abstract: The tenement was considered prospective for sediment hosted iron ore deposits, stratiform base metal deposits and diamonds. The ground chosen for relinquishment was based on the perceived low prospectivity for hosting iron deposits, due to the absence of Sherwin Iron Formation. To a lesser degree, there is also considered lower potential for base metals in the relinquished areas due to the lack of the prospective Vizard Group rocks. There has been no exploration on the relinquished portion of the lease.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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