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Title: Final report, Curtin Springs & Mt Connor EL 4214 & EL 4215
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1984-0142
Tenure: EL4214;  EL4215
Year: 1984
Abstract: Exploration Licences 4214 and 4215 were taken up to test the kimberlite and carbonatite potential of the area. Aeromagnetic anomalies were selected for kimberlite and carbonatite follow-up, from data that was obtained from Weeks Australia Ltd. The aeromagnetic data used in exploration by BHP Minerals Limited remains the property of Weeks Australia Ltd. and is subject to confidentiality since DP214, operated by Weeks Australia Ltd., is still current. Ground follow-up, magnetics and gravity over selected anomalies, downgraded the kimberlite and carbonatite potential of the two licence areas. The exploration licence areas have subsequently not been renewed.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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