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Title: History of, and final report for, AP 2855 - Seymour Range.
Title Holder / Company: Le Nickel (Australia) Exploration
Report id: CR1971-0132
Tenure: AP2855
Year: 1970
Author: Berger, P
Abstract: AP 2855 is located over the Seymour Range in the central Amadeus Basin. The area was targeted for base metal mineralisation. Ordovician and Cambrian rocks are exposed. Stromatolitic reefs were considered suitable host rocks and examined in detail. No metal enrichment was found. Gossanous rocks were also examined in detail and some minor zinc and lead anomalies detected. A regional stream sediment sampling program was considered misleading because of the variable amounts of aeolian sand contaminating samples. The area was relinquished in December 1971. Abundant seams and occasional nodules of phosphorite are reported in the Stairway Sandstone.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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