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Title: Critical Minerals in the Northern Territory 2025
Year: 2025
Edition: Revised edition March 2025
Abstract: The Northern Territory is well placed to become an important new player in global supply chains for the critical minerals that are required for new technologies and the energy transition.
'Critical Minerals in the Northern Territory 2025' outlines the Territory's resource endowment of its current list of 17 critical minerals - aluminium, cobalt, copper, gallium, graphite, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, phosphate, rare earth elements, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, zinc and zirconium - as well as its geological potential for a further 13 emerging critical minerals.
Publisher: Northern Territory Geological Survey
Document Type: Book
Date Added: 3-Mar-2025
Rights Holder: With the exception of the Northern Territory of Australia logo and other government and corporate logos, and where otherwise noted, all material in this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence ( . You are free to re-use the work under the licence, on the condition that you attribute the Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey) and comply with the other licence terms.
Appears in Collections:Reports, Records, Books

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