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Title: Annual Technical Report MLN 875, MLN 876, MLN 877 and MLN 883 Star of the North Group Report GR331 Year ending 31 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: Newmarket Gold NT Holdings
Report id: CR2017-0659
Tenure: MLN875;  MLN876;  MLN877;  MLN883
Year: 2018
Author: Schwartz, A
Abstract: The Star of the North group of tenements consists of four Mineral Leases Northern (MLN 875, MLN 876, MLN 877 and MLN 883) and were acquired by Newmarket Gold Inc. (then Crocodile Gold Ltd) from Adept Solutions in May 2012. The mineral leases are situated in close proximity to several historic gold mines, including that of Great Northern and the Goodall mine sites. Newmarket Gold Inc. conducted a review of all assets and found that the Star of the North group of tenements, although being prospective, did not comply with the core asset criteria and strategic focus of the company. The Star of the North project is seen as a lower ranked target with limited plans. The project was offered for sale and Monax Mining Ltd entered into a purchase agreement for the group of four tenements, along with other tenements offered by Newmarket Gold Inc. However, during 2016 Monax Mining Ltd. withdrew the purchase agreement. The project area remains on offer for sale by Newmarket Gold Inc. No work was conducted on the lease during the reporting period, with only one reconnaissance trip made to the project area. No samples were taken during this trip.
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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