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Title: Annual Technical Report MLN 872, MLN 873 and MLN 874 John's Hill Group Report GR330 for period ending 31 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: Newmarket Gold NT Holdings
Report id: CR2017-0658
Tenure: MLN872;  MLN873;  MLN874
Year: 2018
Author: Schwartz, A
Abstract: The John's Hill group of tenements consist of three leases: Mineral Lease Northern (MLN) 872, 873 and 874, which were acquired by Newmarket Gold Inc. in May 2012 from Adept Solutions. The leases are situated approximately 29 km east northeast of the Adelaide River Township and are in close proximity to several historic gold mines, such as the Goodall and Star of the North mines. The tenements are situated within the Pine Creek Orogen, a thin succession of a tightly folded sequence, which is associated with Proterozoic rocks and spread over rifted granitic Arachaean basement. Gold mineralisation consists of quartz vein and stockwork gold, which is found within the upper South Alligator and Finnis River Groups within the Pine Creek Orogen. Hosts rocks comprising of siltstones and greywacke tuff from the Burrell Creek formation are also found within the area. No major work was completed on the lease during the reporting period, with only one reconnaissance trip made to the project area. No samples were taken during this trip.
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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