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Title: Annual Report MLC 57 and MLC 217-224 Perserverance reporting period 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: Santexco
Meteoric Resources
Report id: CR2017-0651
Tenure: MLC57;  MLC217;  MLC218;  MLC219;  MLC220;  MLC221;  MLC222;  MLC223;  MLC224
Year: 2018
Abstract: During the September quarter 2017, 70 km of detailed Caesium vapour ground magnetics was completed over the tenements at 25 m line spacings. A Geometrics 858 caesium vapour magnetometer was used as the roving magnetometer and a Geometrics 856 proton precession magnetometer was used as a base station. Data quality was good, and a number of isolated prospective Tennant Creek style magnetic highs were located. Not all highs have been tested by drilling. The main Perseverance magnetic high is complex and made up of a number of smaller anomalous areas (Figure 5).
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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