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Title: Annual Technical Report GR348 Jervois Domain Project 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 EL 29579 Jervois North, EL 29580 Jervois East, EL 29581 Jervois West, EL 29669 Jervois South
Title Holder / Company: DBL Blues
Core Exploration
Report id: CR2017-0649
Tenure: EL29579;  EL29580;  EL29581;  EL29669
Year: 2018
Author: Rawlings, D
Vandenberg, L
Abstract: During 2017, CXO has not undertaken any new exploration work on the tenements, beyond broad-scale review of the regional lithium prospectivity by the new Exploration Manager. The main activity during 2017 was a major remediation of the RAB drill sites, which achieved excellent results. During the period 6 March 2017 - 16 March 2017, rehabilitaion works of the 2015 RAB drilling program lines were conducted in compliance with directions from the NTDPIR. A total of 247 drill hole sites along 5 exploration lines (Lines B, C, D, F and H) totalling 12.62 line km have been rehabilitated to promote revegetation and limit erosion of disturbed areas in accordance with NTDPIR requirements and industry 'best practice'.
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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