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Title: Final Technical Report EL 27369 Mount Russell 31 December 2009 to 30 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: DBL Blues
Core Exploration
Report id: CR2017-0645
Tenure: EL27369
Year: 2018
Author: Rawlings, D
Abstract: EL 27369 lies 100 km north-east of Alice Springs, and encompasses a portion of the Hale River east of Claraville homestead. The tenement was first granted to Bralich Holdings Pty Ltd and Riding Resources Pty Ltd at the end of 2009. In 2010 Core Exploration purchased 100% ownership of EL 27369 as part of a transfer of a larger tenement package within the Albarta Region. Core's active work on this tenement began in year 4 of the license as part of the original joint venture agreement. Within EL 27369 Core has undertaken a series of mapping, rock chip sampling and soil sampling programs targeting the areas copper and gold potential. During year 5 of the license Core collected 29 rock chip samples and 387 soil samples within EL 27369. Core identified an additional two copper prospects bringing the total to six within EL 27369. Core continued success of its exploration process which has identified numerous previously unknown copper occurrences. The Manny Prospect is the highest metal tenor prospect discovered thus far. However, these all appear small and equate to regional 'noise'. Core have not completed any on-ground works over this tenement since last reporting period and therefore decided to surrender the area in full.
NOTESee CR2011-1104, CR2012-1195, and CR2013-1215 for Surface Sampling Data
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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