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Title: EL 31225 Annual Report for the reporting period 23 December 2016 to 22 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: Territory Lithium
Report id: CR2017-0644
Tenure: EL31225
Year: 2018
Author: Lennartz, R
Abstract: Territory Lithium, acquired the tenement (EL 31225) based on the potential that the pegmatites in the region would be Lithium and/or Rare Earth Elements bearing. A review of previous exploration activity in the region indicated that there was also the potential for Ultramafic copper-cobalt-gold (Cu-Co-Au) mineralisation in the region which further enhances the attractiveness of this prospective package. There is a very high cost associated with Central Land Council (CLC) exploration agreement negotiations and with the issuing of an Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (AAPA) tenement Authorisation Certificate and so the work undertaken by Territory Lithium was all ground based and did not involve any ground disturbing activities. Further site clearance negotiations will depend on the allocation of funds. Site visitations and reviews, by the Territory Lithium geology team, to ascertain the viability of continuing geological exploration activities on EL 31225 were a large component of the costs associated with activities undertaken on the tenement. Activities undertaken by Territory Lithium Pty. Ltd included: Site inspection and review; Field geological mapping and observations and; Desk top mapping of field observations.
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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