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Title: Combined Annual Technical Report for MLN 658, MLN 661 to 671 Maranboy from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 GR029/09
Title Holder / Company: Outback Metals
Report id: CR2017-0641
Tenure: MLN658;  MLN661;  MLN662;  MLN663;  MLN664;  MLN665;  MLN666;  MLN667;  MLN668;  MLN669;  MLN670;  MLN671
Year: 2018
Abstract: Outback Metals worked unsuccessfully to revoke the heritage declaration over the Maranboy Mineral Leases to allow field work and other related studies to resume. During this reporting period we reassessed our tenements due to the restrictions placed on them but the geological review have not been completed yet. Work is continuing on advancing exploration for additional tin resources nearby to supplement 'available' resources on these MLN's.
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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