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Title: Year 1 Annual Report EL 31276 for the reporting period 24 November 2016 to 23 November 2017
Title Holder / Company: Rockwash
Report id: CR2017-0619
Tenure: EL31276
Year: 2018
Author: Chapman, A
Abstract: EL 31276 is located approximately 165 kms southeast of Darwin and is wholly owned by Rockwash Pty Ltd. This report covers exploration activities on this tenement during the first year of tenure. During year 1 preliminary reconnaissance was conducted at the tenement and an exploration review of the tenement and available historic data was commenced. Initial work from the exploration review highlighted that EL 31276 has excellent alluvial gold exploration potential with the main target creeks being those that are downstream from the Spring Hills Gold Project (immediately to the west of the southern part of the tenement) and downstream of the Elizabeth gold deposit. Also, the company purchased equipment needed to do a costean sampling program which is planned to start in 2018 (including a transportable gravity/centrifugal test unit with miniature hopper, trammel and centrifuge bowl). Two samples were taken, during the preliminary field reconnaissance, from a creek on the western side of EL 31276 downstream of the Spring Hill gold project. These samples were submitted to a Perth laboratory, where they were screened to above and below the 6mm fraction, then fire assayed. No significant results were returned; however the method of sampling was not considered to be representative of the alluvial potential for the creek. The company plans to commence a costean sampling programme to test prioritised sections of the main target creeks. Costean sampling will allow sufficiently sized samples to be collected and processed using the newly purchased small portable gravity/centrifugal separation test unit. The programme is planned to commence mid 2018 with an MMP for this work currently being compiled (to be submitted early 2018).
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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