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Title: EL 30281 Coanjula Bowgan Project Third Annual Report for the period 4 December 2016 to 3 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: Bowgan Minerals
Report id: CR2017-0597
Tenure: EL30281
Year: 2018
Author: Price, G
Abstract: The Bowgan project is located in the Barkly Tablelands region of Northern Territory, approximately 250 km northeast of the regional centre of Tennant Creek. The project consists of five exploration licences; EL 30281 (Coanjula), EL 29082 (East Benmara), EL 24115 (Bowgan), EL 24195 (Benmara) and EL 24196 (Creswell Downs) located further west. EL 30281 (Coanjula) is the subject of this report, with the other four EL's being reported separately. Exploration at the Bowgan project is currently targeting the potential occurrence of economic uranium, gold, base-metal mineralisation and diamond occurrences. Work completed on EL 30281 during the reporting period included; completion of a geological site reconnaissance to EL 30281 and nearby tenements, completion of a program of gravity surveys as part of the CSIRO regional program for Project P2017117 and interpretation of historical datasets and reports. Exploration work for EL 30281 is currently ongoing.
NOTESee Batten Fault Zone gravity survey downloadable from GEMIS
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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