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Title: GR115 Annual Report for EL 24716 and EL 24724 Patanella Phosphate period ending 1 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: Territory Phosphate
Verdant Minerals
Report id: CR2017-0596
Tenure: EL24716;  EL24724
Year: 2018
Author: Dunster, J
Abstract: As a result of a spin-off, take-overs and changes to company names, these two contiguous titles have been variously held by Arafura Resources, NuPower, Central Australian Phosphate, Rum Jungle Resources and Territory Phosphate Pty Ltd which is now a subsidiary of Verdant Minerals Ltd. During the >10 year history of tenure, the target commodity has changed several times. The titles are currently held for greenfields phosphate exploration and for further evaluation of a known rock phosphate prospect. The Patanella Project contains an independently estimated Exploration Target of around 50 to 100 Mt at 10% to 17% P2O5 at a cut off grade of 5% P2O5, and 20 to 50 Mt at 15% to 20% P2O5 at a cut off of 10% P2O5. These estimates are based on broad spaced drilling and are conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource and it is uncertain that future exploration will result in determination of a Mineral Resource. No on-ground work was possible during the reporting year as Verdant Minerals apportioned the bulk of its funds to the higher priority and more advanced Ammaroo Phosphate Project elsewhere in the Northern Territory. Depending on landholder access, Departmental approvals, the availability of funds and management priorities, further work at Patanella is likely to include more-systematic infill and extensional drilling across both ELs to extend and upgrade the exploration target to a JORC resource.
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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