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Title: Union Extended Project Amalgamated Annual Report GR128 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017
Title Holder / Company: Genat, I
Genat, J
Union Extended
Report id: CR2017-0594
Tenure: ML30214;  ML30215;  ML30216;  ML30217;  ML30218
Year: 2018
Author: Genat, B
Abstract: This report details activity carried out during 2017 by Ian Genat within the Union Extended Project, ML's 30214, 30215, 30216, 30217 and 30218. No mining work was undertaken during the reporting period. Exploration work comprised 101 rock chip and grab samples taken from historic mining locations and alluvial processing coarse rejects. Samples were assayed for gold. Six water monitoring bores were drilled and constructed within the existing disturbance footprint. Further remedial work was carried out on the raw water dam to reduce seepage. Scrap steel was removed from around the old alluvial plant site, laydown and exploration shaft sites. Ark Mines has placed The Union Extended Project under a Call Option to purchase the Project.
Date Added: 11-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR128_2017_GA_01.pdf1.7 MBPDF Add
GR128_2017_GA_02_DrillCollars.txt2.02 kBText Add
GR128_2017_GA_03_Lithlogs.txt7.93 kBText Add
GR128_2017_GA_04_Boreconstruction.txt10.43 kBText Add
GR128_2017_GA_05_SurfaceGeochem.txt8.31 kBText Add
GR128_2017_GA_06_D20747.csv1.96 kBUnknown Add
GR128_2017_GA_07_Waterbore_registration_numbers.pdf75.74 kBPDF Add
UnionExtendedProject2017.kml95.4 kBUnknown Add

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