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Title: Annual Report for EL 23150 Officer Hill Project for the period 29th July 2016 to 28th July 2017
Title Holder / Company: Quantum Resources
Newmont Australia
Report id: CR2017-0370
Tenure: EL23150
Year: 2017
Author: Haines, KA
Abstract: Exploration activities aimed to delineate the geochemical footprint of the Officer Hill mineralised system. Work completed during the reporting period included a heritage survey and geochemical survey utilising Newmont's proprietary Deep Sensing Geochemistry (DSG) technique. The DSG results had not been received at the end of the reporting period and will be assessed during the subsequent reporting period. Future work programs will be dependent on the assessment and interpretation of these pending DSG sample results.
NOTESee CR2018-0346 for Soil Sample Assays
Date Added: 8-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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