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Title: Annual Report on Mineral Tenement EL 27811 for period 13 July 2016 to 13 July 2017, The Winnecke Project
Title Holder / Company: AMI Resources
Report id: CR2017-0316
Tenure: EL27811
Year: 2017
Abstract: This report provides the updated information on geological exploration activities undertaken by AMI Resources for the period from 13 July 2016 to 13 July 2017, including geological mappings on mineralised areas in the EL 27811 area, and profile and trenching samplings by our geologist team for geochemical analysis. Forty-nine bags of rock-chip samples were conducted in 2016. This report is based on the latest geochemical test results delivered by Australian Laboratory Services (ALS). A technical review and interpretation of the geochemical results will be presented, this is followed by proposals of further exploration work for the next stage. AMI Resources will undertake further exploration activities, mainly for further trenching and pre-drilling target generation. A drilling exploration program in this tenement area is already in place in 2017-18.
Date Added: 8-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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