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Title: Annual Report EL 30039 Period Ending 12 May 2017
Title Holder / Company: Argeco
Report id: CR2017-0292
Tenure: EL30039
Year: 2017
Author: Archer, G
Abstract: Primary commodities being searched for include Gold, Tin, Tantalum, lithium, Copper and nickel. The dominant geological structure is the NNE striking Giants Reef Fault cross cutting the eastern boundary of the license. The predominant geology on the license is early proterozoic granite and Archaean Hermit Creek Metamorphics. Early proterozoic Wangi basics and the Burrell Creek Formation have also been observed. Field work was carried out on the northern part of the license. Little outcrop was observed. Some samples were able to be taken and from paleochannel outcrop. Bruker pXRF measurements taken of samples collected. New Landsat 8 satellite data was acquired during the period and various processing carried out over the license area. The available SRTM data were also processed. AEM data over the tenement was processed and preliminary interpretation with results still in progress. Geophysical data processing of the available open file magnetic and radiometric and SRTM data were progressed. Planning was being carried out for the next field season.
NOTESee CR2018-0264 for XRF samples
Date Added: 6-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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