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Title: MLN 1070, MLN 1071, MLN 1127 Annual Report for the period ended 4 March 2017 Mount Todd Project
Title Holder / Company: Vista Gold Australia
Report id: CR2017-0171
Tenure: MLN1070;  MLN1071;  MLN1127
Year: 2017
Author: Harris, P
Abstract: The three mining leases, MLN 1070, MLN 1071 and MLN 1127 comprise a portion of the Mount Todd Project area and cover 54.15 square km (4% of the project area). The mining leases are situated approximately 42 km north of the town of Katherine. This annual report documents the work completed on the leases comprising MLN 1070, MLN 1071 and MLN 1127 for the period March 5, 2015 to March 4, 2016. The leases were originally granted on 5 March 1993 and were transferred to Vista Gold Australia Pty Ltd. by the Northern Territory Government on June 15, 2006. Vista Gold Australia Pty Ltd. is the operator and manages the exploration work. Work on the project during the reporting period was jointly focussed on reducing the water inventory onsite and the drilling of metallurgical holes to obtain sufficient sample to conduct additional test work. Drilling was also conducted on the Jones Brothers lodes, however these holes are still be processed and results will be reported in the following year.
NOTESee CR2018-0134 fir Drilling Data
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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