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Title: Mount Wells Group Annual Technical Report April 2016 - 2017 GR038/09
Title Holder / Company: Outback Metals
Report id: CR2017-0170
Tenure: ML29910;  ML29911;  MLN164;  MLN165;  MLN196;  MLN197;  MLN198;  MLN199;  MLN200;  MLN463;  MLN465;  MLN466;  MLN467
Year: 2017
Abstract: During the year the following work was undertaken: Site visit and regional study aimed at providing a better understanding of the EL's geological setting. Due to the decline in tin and copper prices, and other exploration priorities in the NT, work was limited on the Mount Wells tenements during this period.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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