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Title: Combined Annual Exploration Report Rover Project GR107 EL 24541, EL 25511, EL 27039, ELR 29957 and ELR 29958 year ending 7 March 2017
Title Holder / Company: Castile Resources
Report id: CR2017-0158
Tenure: EL24541;  EL25511;  EL27039;  ELR29957;  ELR29958
Year: 2017
Author: Wilson, P
Abstract: No field work was undertaken on the project during the 2016-2017 reporting year, due in part to the extended and significant rainfall that occurred over the Northern Territory during the field season. A magnetic ramanence study was completed on selected samples from the Rover field. Preliminary work on a resource update for Rover 1, including an assessment of the structural controls on the deposit was commenced. Rehabilitation of 20 diamond drill holes, including grouting to 130m, was completed on EL 29957.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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