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Title: GR365 Molyhil 2 EL 28948 Baikal and EL 31130 Twins Bore Year 5 Annual Group Report 29 February 2016 to 28 February 2017
Title Holder / Company: Molyhil Mining
Thor Mining
Report id: CR2017-0138
Tenure: EL28948;  EL31130
Year: 2017
Abstract: This is the fifth year annual report for exploration licences EL 28948 'Baikal' and EL 31130 (EL 28949 is now amalgamated with EL 30821 to form EL 31130) 'Twins Bore' but the third year as Group Report GR365 Molyhil 2. The two tenements are prospective for base metals and tungsten and are situated along strike of geological settings which host multiple known tungsten deposits in adjacent tenements. These tenements have not been explored since the early 1980's however with the pending development of the nearby Molyhil mine project; the potential to discover economic mineralisation is enhanced. Revised target areas have now been identified for follow up fieldwork including mapping and rock chip geochemistry prior to drill testing of selected targets where warranted.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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